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14 years and a few months ago (For you)

It has only being a hour since you told Five that you were pregnant and the two of you couldn't be happier.

You and him were laying in bed, braid your fingers together as your legs were also tangle together.

Five then put his hand on your tiny baby bump "I still can't believe that we made a baby and it's now growing inside you" he said as he stroke his thumb up and down "Well technically it's not a baby yet, it's a fetus and it's really tiny. I don't think it's bigger than a tennis ball" you said and he smiled "Well, no matter what, I know that it's beautiful" he said before he moved his head to your belly "Hello little one, this is your father talking. I can't wait to meet you. I love you so much already" he said and you smiled as you stroke your hand down his beautiful dark brown hair.

Five then started humming for your belly which cause you to chuckled "What?" he asked as he looked at you "You do know that it can't hear you, right?" you asked "When will it could hear me?" he asked "I don't know. I think I will start reading a pregnancy book and you should too, so we are more prepared and we know more stuff about being pregnant" you said "Yeah that might be a good idea" he said before he looked at you "I love you so much and no matter what happen I will protect you two with my life" he said "I love you too" you said and the two of you shared a kiss.

Five then turned back to your stomach before he started humming while you smile as you stroke your hand up and down on his hair.

You hoped that the baby would have his hair color.


14 years and a few months ago (For you)

You put your hair up in a ponytail before walking out of your bedroom.

But as soon as you exit the room, you heard something which cause you to pull up a dagger before throwing it towards the sound causing it to make a making a loud metallic thud as it hit something.

The light next to the chair got turn on and you jump when you saw Five setting in a chair in the living room "Jesus" you said "Hello Love" he smiled to you as he had his left leg laying across on his right. 

Have you got colour in your cheeks?
Do you ever get that fear that you can't shift

He turned his head to see the dagger only inches from hitting his face.

He lifted up his right hand to wipe off some blood from the small cut he had gotten from his right ear.

He looked at the drops of blood on his finger before he looked at you "Please tell me that it was just a warning shot" he said.

"Yeah, otherwise you would have being dead" you said "I'm glad you are not that piss at me" he said.

The type that sticks around like summat in your teeth?
Are there some aces up your sleeve?

"How did you find me?" you asked "Phonebook" he smiled.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" you asked "Would you have let me in if I have knocked?" he raise a brow "Maybe not" you said "Which was why I blink in" he said "Are you stalking me?" you asked "No" he said and you rolled your eyes.

Have you no idea that you're in deep?
I dreamt about you nearly every night this week

"You need to leave Five" you said "And where would I go?" he asked, his eyes on you.

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