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When you and Five return back to Dallas in 1963, drenched in someone else's blood, still drying on your skins, you went home to wash yourself while Five went to the alley of Elliott's apartment to wait on the Handler.

Five was standing in the alleyway while picking at the blood on his nails. He was holding the plastic bag with AJ in his right hand that was crossed over his stomach. His left hand that he was picking at the blood was propped up on his other arm.

There was a the sound op a zap behind him before he could hear footsteps approaching.

Five turned a little bit and let out a softly scoffs and a smile before he turned back.

The Handler came walking from behind Five "Well?" she asked and Five put his arm that was holding the bag out behind him and towards The Handler.

The Handler let out a gasp "AJ" she said and she put the briefcase down on the ground before she grabbed the bag from Five and she let out a cackling noise as she brought the bag up to her eye level so she could look at AJ.

Five turned around and put his hands in his pockets as she eyed him up and down. 

"You know you're really starting to fill out those tight little shorts of yours" she said and looked back at AJ before she giggled while Five looked at the wall to his left.

She let out a sigh before looking back at Five "Why so quiet?" she asked as she moved her shoulders "Thought you'd be buzzing after this morning's slaughter" she said "All this killing..." he said as he paused for a moment before looking back at her ready to finally say what he had wanted for years "I'm done with it" he said.

"What?" she asked as she pulled out a rag and lick it.

"Am I supposed to take that seriously?" she asked as she stepped closer to him before she lightly wipe his face, trying to get the blood off. He let her do it, he would take it, he could if it meant his family would be safe and The Commission would leave you alone.    

"What I did today, I did for my family. I did it to save the world. I did it for Y/n, so you would leave her alone" he said and she moved her hand away from him before she shook her head slightly "Please" she said while moving the rag around his face.

"Spare me your little assassin with the heart of gold routine, will you?" she said "And keep up with this act. I'm not your puppet" Five said "No, I don't think so. You're much more than that Five. You know that" she wipe the blood off his face but he push her hand away.

"Don't touch me. I've made so many deals with you, just for you to rip it from me. For whatever reason, I'm hoping this time you'll hold up your side of the deal" he said.

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