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(A/N: I know the gift is weird and bad made, but it was the best I could do with these two gifs)

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(A/N: I know the gift is weird and bad made, but it was the best I could do with these two gifs)


Both Five and Allison appeared on the second floor.

"Thanks" she said "No problem" Five said as they both got up.

"Hey, short pants" a voice said and they turned to see Jayme walking over to them "What's up?" she asked "Go help the others. I'll handle this one" he said as he kept his eyes on Jayme "Okay" Allison said before she took off.

"What are you, their mascot?" Jayme asked as she noticed the uniform Five was wearing.

Five tilted his head a little bit while giving her a small and sarcastic smile before he blinked away, appearing behind her which caught her off guard.

She turned around but then Five punched her in the face causing her to let out a groan as she fell to the floor "More like their ringer" he said as he looked down at her.

Jayme let out a hiss before she spit her venom on Five, hitting him on the forehead "Ugh. Hey, gross, all right?" Five said and Jayme just smirk at him as she rise an eyebrow.

Then Five felt something weird as the venom disappeared into his skin "The hell?" he asked and he looked around confused as his vision started becoming blurrier.

His eyes scanned around until they landed on a figure that was coming up the stairs while he could hear children laughing.

His vision then became more apparent and he saw that it was you and next to you stood a older looking Sam and a little girl with dark brown hair and green eyes.

"Y/n" he muttered "Hey Pretty boy" you said with a smile "Dad" Sam said.

"Y/n/n?" he said before he opened his jaw a little bit "Love" he whispered with a smile "You look so beautiful " he said as he walked closer to you.

"And you are so handsome" you said with a smile and he smiled before he stopped when he was in front of you, next to the stairs.

"Where did you went off to?" he asked "Just around" you said and Five looked at Sam. He look like he was around fourteen years old.

"Hey dad" he smiled "Hey buddy" Five said with a smile as small tears appeared in his eyes.

"Daddy" a little girl said and Five looked at her "Hey Sweetpea" he said before he gave each of his kids a kiss on the forehead.

He then looked at you "Hey Love" he said "Hey Pretty Boy" you said "Can we try again?" he asked and you smiled "Of course" you said "I love you so much, forever" he said "I love you too, forever" you said and he smiled before he closed his eyes and leaned closer, pressing his lips against yours while the two kids gagged in disgust.

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