♡ Chapter 1 ♡

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A beautiful creature was flying majestically in an enchanted forest. She has beautiful golden wings that shine even more in the warm rays of the sun, she is a fairy. Thanks to her unique form, many creatures admired her from a distance but never approached her.

The most peculiar thing about her is her eyes, golden like her wings

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The most peculiar thing about her is her eyes, golden like her wings. No fairy has ever had possession of that kind of eyes. Y/N is the definition of ethereal, so breathtaking and perfect.

 Y/N is the definition of ethereal, so breathtaking and perfect

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Despite her beauty, she was missing something

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Despite her beauty, she was missing something. She may be the most beautiful on the outside, but in her heart, something was missing. Y/N has spent her entire life surrounded by nature, always alone. All she wants is love, someone who makes her heart beat only for that person.

Maybe she has to wait a little for that love to come into her life. Meanwhile, the beautiful fairy continued flying and singing a beautiful melody. That was until the sun was beginning to set, she had to return home, away from the sight of humans. A secret place where she could be herself and enjoy her privacy. She was welcomed by the beautiful night and the moon shining directly on her, sometimes she liked to be alone because she could admire her surroundings for long hours without resting.

The most that caught her attention was the moon, she felt a great connection with it. She felt as if she wanted to say a thousand words to her. Y/N didn't give it any importance since she thought it was just a feeling, nothing more, but who knew it wasn't like that. She let the night consume her and fell into a deep sleep and for some reason, her heart felt at peace.
~Y/N's Dream~
I was flying as usual through the forest singing my favorite song "Butterfly". The weather was warmer than usual, but I didn't mind it though. Suddenly there was a loud roar and in a blink of an eye, the whole forest was set on fire.

I was so desperate to get out of the flames but I couldn't find a way out. My whole body started to get heavy, my wings were getting weaker and my vision became blurry. When I was getting unconscious, my wings stopped working completely and my whole body fell.

Before I touched the ground, someone catched me before getting seriously injured. I couldn't watch his face clearly, but I could feel myself getting warmer and warmer. My heart started to beat furiously, and suprisingly, I wasn't scared. I actually felt comfortable in his arms. His scent made me relax even more, it was like a mix of lavender with mint and a tint of cinnamon. I felt so confused by that because I was alone during my whole life, my parents left me at a really young age, and I had to survive on my own.

For some reason I couldn't adjust my vision to see who saved me. I just focused on something that made myself even more shock, his eyes, they change colors. I swear when I landed on his arms I saw his eyes red, and then they turned gold, just like mine.

My mind was asking so much questions "Who is he? Why did he save me? Why do I feel so calm around him when I don't know him?". Suddenly he leaned in my ear and said "I know you don't know me, but don't be scared, I'm here to protect you, my little fairy". I tried to focus on him again and when I finally was getting my vision back, I was so close to see his face, but then...

 I tried to focus on him again and when I finally was getting my vision back, I was so close to see his face, but then

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I woke up to the birds chirping beautifully through my window. I love birds, but I got so frustrated because of them that I couldn't focus on the mysterious man's face completely. I still felt my heart beating so fast and my stomach had millions of butterflies. It was a new feeling, so comforting, so new, but most importantly, so lovable.

It may have been a dream, but for some reason, it felt so real. I felt afraid when the entire forest was in flames, but then after that encounter with that mysterious man, all that fear vanished, and I felt his protection.

I put that dream aside to continue with my day, maybe it was just a dream. But who would know that I was so wrong and that this mysterious man would take an unexpected turn in my life, in the best possible way.

To be continued...
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