♡ Epilogue ♡

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~Seven Years Later~

Two identical beings with golden eyes were looking with determination in the training field

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Two identical beings with golden eyes were looking with determination in the training field. Both ran at the same speed, turning their eyes red. Both of them changed to their drangon forms, one was black complete with golden scales, and the other one, gold with black scales. Both flew through the air and controlled the weather and land with ease. They blew Phoenix Breath towards the rocks that were in front of them and destroyed them completely.

After finishing their training in less than an hour, both flew back to land and changed back to their human forms while smilling widdely.

"You did great, my little ones," Y/N said with a proud smile.

Y/N approached her two children, Jeon Aiden and Jeon Amara. They looked at their mother with big doe eyes and a beautiful bunny smile in both of their faces.

Jeon Aiden

The older twin, seven years old. He was born with all the powers of his parents, including the powers of an alpha. His dragon form is black with golden scales just like his father. Aiden's name means little fire and eternal love. His parents saw that flame in their eyes and that's why they gave him that name.

Jeon Amara

The youngest, seven years old. Like her twin, she was born with all the powers of her parents, and also the powers of an alpha. Her dragon form is golden with black scales, the golden color of her mother's wings. The name Amara means eternally beautiful and eternal love. Her parents saw their daughter for the first time, so delicate and bright and that's why they gave her that name.

They both loved their parents but Amara was daddy's girl, and Aiden was mom's boy. They will be the next rulers of the Golden Heart Kingdom.
The Jeon twins ran to hug their mother as they saw how proud she was.

"Did we do well, Mom?" Aiden asked her mother in a cheerful tone.

"Yes, my little ones, you did amazing. You learn fast for being seven years old," Y/N said before kissing her children on the forehead.

"Since we finished training, can we eat something?" Amara said in a calm but bright tone.

Y/N smiled and nodded

"Sure, let's go to the palace," Y/N said before taking her children's hand and entering the palace.
On the other hand, Jungkook looked out his window with a sweet smile on his face as he saw his family returning to the castle. He tried to persuade his wife not to have to train the twins because that's what their uncles are for, but Y/N was persistent in wanting to train them just for today.

Jungkook with his great speed, arrived at the living room where he saw his family eating snacks happily while talking about random things. He leaned against the wall and cleared his throat.

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