♡ Chapter 43 ♡

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Four days have passed since Jungkook's accident and he is now fully recovered, thanks to Jin. The past few days have been a lot of tension for the 7 weredragons, for Y/N, and Rosy. Today they were about to meet once again at Namjoon's office to discuss the accident. Y/N tried to be strong, but can't lie, since what happened to Jungkook she has been nervous for him and her entire family. Something in her knew that this was just the beginning of a great war.

 Something in her knew that this was just the beginning of a great war

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They were all already in Namjoon's office. The atmosphere felt tense and somewhat suffocating, but someone broke the silence when Namjoon placed the spear in front of his desk. Y/N felt sick when she saw blood stains around it, Jungkook's blood. Jungkook felt what Y/N felt and took her hand to calm her nerves.

"I haven't seen that design in centuries," Jungkook said in a growl.

"None of us have seen it, not this way. That means that there is still that relic somewhere in the world and they know how to use it with you, Jungkook," he said, observing the spear.

Y/N squeezed Jungkook's hand as she felt his anger grow.

"I'm guessing the soldiers aren't just looking for us," Jin said this time.

Everyone nodded their heads, agreeing with Jin.

"But, there hasn't been a king for years, who is giving them the orders to get us," Hobi said this time.

"I don't know, but one thing I'm sure of, and that is that someone wants us at any cost. We cannot stay with crossed arms after what happened. Yoongi and Hoseok will take turns at night, I need you to patrol the coasts of the land in case you see something strange or unusual. Jimin and Tae will make rounds through the woods. If those ships have crossed our seas, they will soon find this land. The rest of you need to be prepared yourselves like you've done in the past months. I will go to human lands to investigate and seek answers in some way." Namjoon said in a serious tone.

"Be careful when you go out, it can be dangerous. I'll make you an amulet to take with you, you need to protect yourself at all costs," Jin said.

Namjoon nodded and gradually everyone left his office. Y/N told Jungkook to get ahead because she had to ask Namjoon something. When they all left, Y/N approached Namjoon who was looking for some books, one of them was open in a particular chapter.

Golden Oak Stake

"That's what the stake is called?" I asked Namjoon still looking at the book.

Namjoon looked up and saw what she meant.

"Yes, the golden oak stake," Namjoon said as he gave me the book so I could read.

Golden oak stake, comes from an immortal tree to kill every immortal being, an original being incomparable in the world. A direct blow to the heart causes your body to disintegrate and disappear into the air.

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