♡ Chapter 57 ♡

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So all this time Marcus was alive. He was hiding in the shadows bringing misery to the Earth along with Onyx. Now it all makes sense. He's the demon the woman told me about, I knew it as soon as I saw the amulet hanging around his neck and his aura was supernatural, I could feel it. But how is it possible, Marcus was human before.

Suddenly, it clicked me.

A demon created by black magic. Perhaps this was the deal Onyx and Marcus had many years ago, immortality and power. Every disaster that happened in the world ended with deaths and hellfire. Everything seems to be falling into place.

But then, that means...

I looked at the boys one by one. Each of the boys was just as enraged, their jaws were clenched and their veins popped from their necks. They were ready to kill the demon that was in the distance.

This can't be possible, right?

I looked at Jungkook and he looked at me the same way. His eyes were already red, I could feel the anger that was slowly piling up. He read my thoughts and his eyes softened a little bit. I just hoped what I was thinking was a lie, but his words made me feel broken.

"Yes baby, he was behind the deaths of my hyung's parents, and... he was the one who killed my father" I heard him say in my mind.

I looked at Namjoon who mind-linked Yoongi to tell him the horrible news. I saw how Yoongi's monotony was replaced by anger after knowing what Marcus and Onyx did. Rosy also found out and her gaze turned cold as ice. She walked slowly to Yoongi's side and took his hand in hers.

They killed their parents and ruined their childhood. It's a wound that will mark them forever.

I couldn't help but feel angry to know the ugly truth. I looked at Marcus and to my surprise, he was already looking at me with a smirk.

"Now I understand how the dragons managed to escape. Who knew you were alive." He said with a sarcastic smile.

At that moment, Onyx appeared in the air and landed right next to Marcus. All the boys formed a semicircle, forming a barrier as soon as he appeared. And Jungkook, seeing that Marcus was looking at me, decided to move slowly to my side. He took my hand and put me behind him.

He squeezed my hand.

"I'm not going to lose you again," he said in my mind.

I looked at him as soon as I heard him and I squeezed his hand too.

"We will do this together," I said in his mind before I stood by his side.

Jungkook looked at me with worry in his eyes but then nodded while holding my hand tightly.

Onyx saw me and growled loudly, and Marcus' eyes were no longer blue, now they turned completely black.

"We have underestimated you, especially me, you are even more powerful than her," Onyx said.

The Golden Fairy

Namjoon stepped forward and looked at Marcus with his orange eyes.

"Yes, you underestimated her and us too. You Marcus, you kept us sedated because you knew we were stronger than we looked like. And you Onyx, you only know how to attack from behind. You even tried to kill our sister but you couldn't. Now look at us, we're stronger than ever," Namjoon said with his alpha aura.

Marcus chuckled dryly and Onyx only growled louder.

"Do you think you'll win this? You are not prepared for what is coming," Marcus said.

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