Lunch date

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Vic POV:
(31 March 2021)

I rummage through my closet for some training clothes and settle on a simple black pair of leggings and a sports bra. I quickly braid my hair and grab my water bottle before Nat knocks on my door. "You ready?" she asks as I open the door with a smile. "Yesss," I reply eagerly.

We make our way to the training room and start with a warm-up and stretching session. "So, what's the plan?" I ask, excited for the workout ahead. Nat suggests a combination of running, strength training, and a sparring session, to which I eagerly agree.

We begin by hitting the treadmill for a solid 30 minutes before moving on to strength training. After a quick sip of water, we dive into squats, push-ups, planks, and punches and kicks. Finally, we head to the ring for some sparring practice.

I'm not the most skilled fighter, so my strategy is to focus on blocking the attacks Natasha throws at me. "You ready?" she asks, and I nod in response. Without hesitation, Natasha begins to throw punches, which I manage to block with some effort. She switches it up by aiming for my legs, catching me off guard, but I somehow stay on my feet. As she continues to throw punches, I do my best to block each one, but her speed is overwhelming. Suddenly, she swiftly sweeps my leg out from under me, causing me to fall hard to the ground. She quickly takes advantage of the situation, sitting on my hips and locking my arm in a painful hold.

"Ah fuck," I groan as I arch my back in discomfort, feeling the intensity of the hold. Our faces are unexpectedly close, and I can feel her breath on my skin, leaving me at a loss for words. I meet her gaze, feeling flustered and unable to speak. She maintains eye contact, a smirk playing on her lips as she teasingly asks, "Do I make you nervous, love?" Her words only add to my flustered state, and I find myself momentarily speechless. I glance down at her lips before locking her emerald eyes again. Finally, she sits up, still positioned on my hips, allowing me to catch my breath and calm down.

I take a deep breath and shake my head, still unable to form a coherent response. Natasha then offers me her hand, and I look at her in surprise before tentatively accepting it. "Another round?" she suggests, and despite my initial shock, I manage to stammer out a response, "Uh, s-sure."

As I struggle to find my footing, Natasha releases the hold and helps me up, her hand warm against mine. "You okay?" she asks, her concern evident in her voice. I nod, trying to shake off the embarrassment of being taken down so easily. "Yeah, just a bit surprised. You're quick," I admit with a sheepish smile.

Natasha chuckles, a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. "You did well blocking my attacks. Just need to work on your reaction time and balance," she offers, her tone encouraging. I appreciate her feedback and determination to help me improve, even if it means being on the receiving end of her swift moves.

We resume our sparring session, and I focus on implementing Natasha's advice. I try to anticipate her movements and react faster, but she continues to outmaneuver me with ease. Despite my efforts, I struggle to keep up with her skill and speed, feeling a mix of frustration and admiration for her expertise.


We sparred for another five rounds, and to my surprise, I successfully blocked almost all of Natasha's attacks in one round. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in my progress. She also took the time to teach me some takedowns, which we practiced until I was able to execute them smoothly.

Now, I sit on the sidelines, catching my breath and watching Natasha practice her punches. As I take a break and sip on my water bottle, I snap a picture of her in action, intending to upload it to my Instagram story.

 As I take a break and sip on my water bottle, I snap a picture of her in action, intending to upload it to my Instagram story

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