You look good

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Vic Pov:
(6th April 2021)

"fuck, fuck, fuck" I mutter as I frantically search for the perfect outfit for dinner. Just then, there's a knock on my door. "Come in!" I call out, still rummaging through my closet. Kate enters and laughs at the mess. "What did you do to your room, Vicky?" she teases. I stick out my tongue in response. "I'm meeting Dad's new girlfriend tonight and I have nothing to wear," I confess, feeling the pressure. Kate rolls her eyes. "Seriously? Your closet is almost exploding with clothes!" she exclaims, slightly annoyed. I groan in frustration. "Just help me, please!" I plead. Kate chuckles and tells me to sit down as she starts picking out an outfit. "Do you want to go for a sexy look or something more elegant?" Kate asks, teasing me. I panic and snap back, "Are you kidding? I need to look elegant or just normal!" Kate laughs, clearly enjoying my distress.

"How about this?" Kate holds up a basic black skirt. "Sure, that'll do," I smile as she tosses it over to me. I quickly take off my shorts and slip on the skirt over my safety shorts, zipping it up on the side. "Now I just need a top," I whine. "Stop whining, babe," Kate teases, and I chuckle.

"So, we have a black top, a white top, or navy," Kate says, holding up three options. The black top is a corset, which I find too sexy. The navy one is a tight-fitting T-shirt but a bit boring. The white one is a tube top with a matching 'scarf' – it's perfect. "The white one!" I light up, grabbing it while Kate puts the other two back. I take off my shirt, leaving me in my bra, and then put on the tube top. Holding it up to my front, I ask, "Kate, could you zip me up?" She giggles and closes the back zipper. I grab the matching 'scarf' and tie it around my neck.

"Okay, how does it look?" I ask, feeling a bit insecure as Kate appraises my outfit. "Babe, you look good... like hot and casual and elegant," she says, earning a playful hit on her arm from me. "Thanks, Katy," I smile before taking a seat at my desk and running my fingers through my hair, preparing to do two simple braids.

"You need some jewelry," Kate remarks as she lounges on my bed, engrossed in her phone and snapping selfies. "Yeah, but what?" I ask, seeking her opinion. She lets out a sigh before getting up. "Let's see," she says thoughtfully, eyeing a pair of silver hoop earrings. "These are cute," she suggests, and I nod in agreement, taking the earrings and finishing off my braids before putting them on. "I'll also wear my rings," I mention, and Kate nods in approval.

"Do you know what kind of shoes you want?" Kate ask, and I look at her slightly panicked. "I totally forgot that I need shoes," I admit sheepishly. "How do you forget that you need to wear shoes? Girl, you really are dumb," Kate teases, bursting into laughter.

"Fuck off," I retort, struggling to keep a straight face at the absurdity of the situation. I scan my closet and debate between black ballerinas or black Mary Janes. "Which ones?" I inquire, turning to Kate, who doesn't bother to look up from her phone and simply gestures towards the ballerinas. "Add some white socks and you're good to go," Kate advises before settling into a more comfortable position on my bed.

"Right, just a sec," I reply, slipping on the white socks and purposefully creasing them a bit. I opt for the ballerinas, or maybe they're loafers, and slide them on. "So, what do you think?" I ask Kate, seeking her approval. She nods in agreement, signaling her approval.

Before we can continue our conversation, a knock on my door interrupts us, revealing Nat's presence. "Oh, hey, Nat," I greet her with a smile as she enters. "Who's the dress up for?" Nat teases, prompting me to play along. "I've got a date!" I exclaim with a grin, watching as Nat's expression momentarily drop. "Oh, uh, that's great... yeah," she stumbles over her words, and I can't help but chuckle. "It's with Dad. I'm meeting his new girlfriend," I clarify, causing Nat to laugh, slightly embarrassed by her assumption.

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