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Victoria's POV:
(5th April 2021)

I inhale deeply, steeling myself before mustering the courage to knock on her door. "Nat, are you here?" I call out, listening for any response. Silence greets me, no sound or movement. With a deep breath, I push the door open and enter, only to find the room empty. "Friday, where's Natasha?" I inquire to the AI, receiving the reply, "Agent Romanoff is on the rooftop, Miss Steel." "Thank you," I acknowledge, exhaling in frustration..

I trudge back to my room and find Yelena still there. "She's on the rooftop," I groan, collapsing onto my bed. "Okay, so go up there," she teases, giving me a shove that sends me tumbling off the bed with a grunt. "Okay, ow," I mutter, rubbing my side as she rolls her eyes in amusement. "Look, Vicky... Natasha only goes to the rooftop when she needs to think, so go up there and just ask her," Yelena encourages, prompting a smile from me. "You're right, I should just tell her... I mean, the worst she can say is no, right?" I shrug, and Yelena chuckles.
I stand up and embrace Yelena in a hug before dashing out of my room towards the elevator. I press the button and wait anxiously until the doors open. Stepping inside, I press the button for the rooftop. "I'm doing this. I'm doing this," I repeat to myself, trying to build up my courage. The doors finally open, and I steel myself for what's to come. Now or never.

As I step out of the elevator onto the rooftop, I see Natasha sitting at the edge, her feet dangling in the small space between the floor and the railing. "Hey, Nat," I greet her, and she looks up, offering me a smile. "You okay?" I ask, my concern evident in my voice. Natasha looks down at her hands before replying, "Yeah... Actually, no, not really. How do you tell someone something really important but know it might mean losing them forever?"

I chuckle softly, feeling a sense of camaraderie with her "Actually I'm in the same situation". We lock eyes for a moment, the weight of our unspoken thoughts hanging in the air. Suddenly, raindrops begin to fall on my face, and I can't help but grin. "Ooh, I love rain," I exclaim, my excitement breaking the tension. Natasha laughs at my reaction and suggests we go inside "Cmon let's get inside or you'll get sick,". She stands up and reaches out her hands to help me up. I take her hands, allowing her to pull me to my feet. As she leads the way back towards the door, I pause after a few steps, feeling a surge of determination and courage.

"Hey, everything okay?" Natasha asks softly as she approaches me, concern etched in her features. "No, actually, I came here to talk to you, and if I don't say this now, I probably won't ever say it," I ramble nervously, my heart racing in my chest. "Okay... uh, what did you want to talk about?" Natasha responds, her voice gentle amidst the sound of the pouring rain that leaves us both completely drenched. Taking a deep breath, I gather my thoughts before speaking.
"Natasha," I begin, my voice trembling slightly as I recall the day we first met. "Remember when we met? The day I moved back here from my mom's... You were the first person to approach me, and when I saw you, I remember thinking, 'Wow, she's so beautiful,'" I chuckle, a mix of emotions welling up inside me. "I wanted to be your friend, I wanted to get to know you... And now, after almost two years of actually knowing you, I've realised that I want to be more than your friend. I want you to hold me at night, I want to support you when you cry. I want to be with you," I confess, my words carried away by the rain.

"I like you, Natasha," I conclude, my tears blending with the raindrops that fall around us. I look at her, waiting anxiously for her response, my heart hanging in the balance.

Nat's POV:
Upon returning at the tower, I quickly took a shower and took care of the cuts on my forehead and lip. The warm water felt soothing against my skin, washing away the dirt and grime from the day's events. As I carefully cleaned the wounds, I couldn't help but wince at the stinging sensation. The adrenaline from the fight had worn off, leaving me feeling drained and sore. Now, as I sit on my bed, I can't help but think about Wanda's words and wonder how to confess my feelings to Vicky. I know I have to be honest with her, but the fear of rejection terrifies me.

"Is anyone on the rooftop, Friday?" I inquire of the AI, hoping for some privacy. "No, Miss Romanoff," Friday responds, I express my gratitude before leaving my room and making my way to the elevator. The familiar ding of the elevator signals my arrival on the rooftop, where the cool evening air greets me.

As I step out onto the rooftop, I am greeted by a stunning sunset. The sky is painted in hues of pink, orange, and purple, casting a warm glow over the city below. I find a quiet spot and sit down, my feet dangling over the edge, contemplating how to approach Vicky. The gentle breeze ruffles my hair, and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves. A dinner date is too boring, a picnic is out of the question in the chilly April weather. I struggle to find a unique yet not overwhelming way to express my feelings. Why does this have to be so difficult?

"Hello, Nat," I hear a voice and turn around to see Victoria. "Are you okay?" She asks me. I look down at my hands before replying, "Yeah... Actually, no, not really. How do you tell someone something really important but know it might mean losing them forever?" Victoria chuckles softly. "Actually, I'm in the same situation." We lock eyes for a moment, our thoughts hanging in the air. Suddenly, raindrops begin to fall on us, and Victoria grins. "Ooh, I love rain," she exclaims, her excitement breaking the tension. I laugh at her reaction and suggest we go inside. "Come on, let's get inside or you'll get sick." I stand up and reach out my hands to help her up. She takes my hands, allowing me to pull her to her feet. I lead the way back towards the door, but Victoria pauses after a few steps.

I turn around and ask her. "Hey, everything okay?" I inquire softly as I approach her, feeling concerned. "No, actually, I came here to talk to you, and if I don't say this now, I probably won't ever say it," she rambles nervously. "Okay... uh, what did you want to talk about?" I ask her, my voice gentle amidst the sound of the pouring rain that leaves us both completely drenched. Taking a deep breath, Victoria starts speaking.

"Natasha," she begins, her voice trembling slightly. "Remember when we met? The day I moved back here from my mom's... You were the first person to approach me, and when I saw you, I remember thinking, 'Wow, she's so beautiful,'" she chuckles, and I smile at her. "I wanted to be your friend, I wanted to get to know you... And now, after almost two years of actually knowing you, I've realized that I want to be more than your friend. I want you to hold me at night, I want to support you when you cry. I want to be with you," she confesses, her words carried away by the rain.

"I like you, Natasha," she concludes, her tears blending with the raindrops that fall around us. I try to process her words and search her eyes for any hint of doubt. Instead, I see tears of joy and sincerity, and I'm taken aback by her heartfelt confession.

Reveal in the next chapter sorry but had to tease y'all and who knows maybe something happens so Nat can't answer her question😇🤷‍♀️

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