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Vicky POV:
(12th April 2021)

We make our way to the dancing machines, browsing through the song options to find a fun one. I choose "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel and the music starts playing. Nat looks puzzled as she tries to follow the dance moves, but she quickly gets lost. I can't help but laugh as I almost flawlessly dance my part. "I finally found something you're not good at," I tease, causing Nat to tell me to shut up in frustration. As the song ends, Nat steps off the platform, clearly irritated, and I can't help but chuckle at her reaction. "You're adorable when you're frustrated," I joke, making Nat burst into laughter. She offers me her arm, and I gladly link mine with hers as we exit the arcade with my new camera in tow.

As we exit the lively arcade, the neon lights and cheerful music fade into the background as we make our way onto the bustling streets. The cool evening air brushes against our skin. Lost in conversation, we meander through the crowded sidewalks, the sounds of laughter and chatter blending seamlessly with the distant hum of traffic.

Suddenly, I realize that I have no Idea of where we are headed. "Hey, where are we headed next?" I ask, breaking the flow of our discussion. Nat's eyes light up with excitement as she replies, "The aquarium!" Checking my phone for the time, I note that it's already 5:06 pm.
As we walk, the cityscape transforms around us. Tall buildings give way to the sleek glass facade of the aquarium, adorned with colorful posters depicting the wonders that lie within. The sight of the grand structure elicits a sense of awe and wonder.

"I think I visited my first aquarium when I was 2 with Dad and I've always loved it. I remember that one time where I was 6, I was in an aquarium there was a challenge where you'd have to find out things about different things like what is the colour of a clownfish-" I share, my voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. However, my rambling is interrupted as I notice Nat's gaze fixed on me, a soft smile playing on her lips. Flustered by the unexpected attention, I stumble over my words, "Sorry." But before I can continue, Nat reaches out and gently takes my hands in hers, her touch warm and reassuring. "Don't apologize," she says softly, her eyes meeting mine with a warmth that sends a flutter through my chest. "I love hearing you talk about your passions. It's cute."

Natasha's words fill me with warmth, and a blush creeps onto my cheeks. In that moment, the bustling city fades away, leaving only her. Her eyes are magnifying and I can't help but get lost in her gaze.

"Shall we step inside now?" Nat whispers to me, her voice barely audible over city noise. I respond with an eager nod, feeling her warm hand intertwine with mine as we make our way into the expansive glass structure. My eyes widen with wonder as I take in the sleek lines and airy design of the building, sunlight streaming in through the transparent walls, creating a play of light and shadow. The modern building impresses me with its high ceilings and open layout, featuring a shop with a cash desk and a ticket booth. Adjacent to the ticket booth, a small aquarium embedded in the wall catches my attention near the ticket booth, filled with a mesmerizing array of colorful fish and swaying seaweed.

I can't contain my excitement and gasp, "Oh, this is fucking amazing!" Nat's laughter rings out in response to my exclamation, her eyes sparkling with amusement at my enthusiasm. "I'm glad that you like it," she says warmly, her tone filled with genuine happiness. With a graceful gesture, she purchases two adult tickets, her movements confident and purposeful. I stand beside her, my gaze fixed on her.

Nat POV:

"Hurry up!" Vic urges me as we enter the aquarium, the sound of rushing water and the soft glow of the tanks immediately envelop us in a world of wonder. Vic's eyes light up with excitement as she scans the room, taking in the colorful array of marine life before us. She leads the way, her steps eager and quick, as she heads straight for the first tank.

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