One day

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Vic POV:
(1st April 2021)

Yesterday, I packed all the essentials for the three-day trip to Clint's family. Now, all that's left to do is get ready before Natasha, Clint, and I hop on the Quinjet. Surprisingly, the girls won't be joining us due to an appointment. Lately, they've been acting suspicious, even at the concert, but maybe I'm just overthinking things. I rummage through my closet for a comfortable yet stylish outfit. Opting for my favorite low waist baggy jeans and a white milkmaid top, I feel satisfied with my choice. After doing my makeup and straightening my slightly wavy hair, I glance at the clock and realize it's already 9:23 am.

In the kitchen, Clint and Natasha are already waiting, while Wanda and Peter relax on the couch and Bruce and Tony debate over a science problem. Greeting everyone with a cheerful "Morning," I receive smiles from Wanda, Clint, and Natasha. Tony and Bruce are too engrossed in their discussion to notice me, prompting me to joke, "Wow, not even my Dad pays attention to me." They chuckle in response as I take a seat next to Clint.


We watch Tony and Bruce engage in their usual intellectual sparring match, which has become a source of entertainment for us. Their debates often delve into complex scientific theories that go over our heads, but we find humor in pretending to understand and occasionally poking fun at their arguments.

"I'm telling you, Bruce, the solution to our problem lies in the quantum realm. We need to think outside the box and consider the possibility of parallel universes," Tony passionately argues.

"No, Tony, we need to stick to the laws of physics and focus on the data we have. We can't just go off on some wild goose chase into the unknown," Bruce counters.

Despite not fully grasping the intricacies of their conversation, we find ourselves drawn into their debate, intrigued by the intensity of their exchange. When Tony mentions parallel universes, "Parallel universes?" I can't help but express my shock, sharing a puzzled look with Clint and Nat, who simply shrug in response.

With the clock ticking closer to 10 am, we gather our belongings and head outside to the Quinjet, where Clint and Nat take their positions in the pilot seats, ready to navigate our journey. I settle into the middle seat and observe them in action, marveling at their expertise and teamwork. As they focus on pre-flight checks, I take a moment to unwind and scroll through Instagram, catching up on the latest updates from Kate and Yelena on their stories.

KateBishop 9h

YelnaBelova 1h

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YelnaBelova 1h

YelnaBelova 1h

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