Happy quarter life crisis

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Nat POV:
(18th April 2021)

I feel a gentle pressure on my chest and open my eyes to find Vicky's head resting there. With a smile, I carefully lift my arm, being careful not to disturb her and I reach out to stroke her hair.

After about half an hour of lying there, feeling the rise and fall of Vicky's chest against mine, I sense her shifting. I pause my caressing and softly utter, "Good morning, birthday girl," a warm smile forming on my lips as she blinks her eyes open and gazes up at me. "I feel old," she groans playfully, prompting a chuckle from me. "Babe, you do know I'm older than you," I tease, to which she pouts and whispers a quick "Sorry." I chuckle before waving it off, whispering, "It's okay."

"When would you like your gift?" I ask and she thinks for a moment before responding, "I'll go train. I need to work on my breath control for the tour. After that, you can give it to me, for sure." she groans explaining, and I nod in agreement. "Okay, baby, have fun," I whisper, planting a tender kiss on her forehead before she rises from the bed and exits the room.

It's only been a day since we became a couple, but she already feels like everything I've ever wanted.


Vicky POV:

One thing many people don't know is how artists train for tours, we workout while singing our setlist. It seems silly but helps us sing while dancing or running. As I head down to the gym on the lower floors, I walk in and set my water bottle down on the bench. I connect my phone to the speakers on the walls and start blasting my playlist, focusing on perfecting tougher songs that demand more vocal range and breathing tactics.

I make my way over to the treadmill and choose "IDGAF" by Dua Lipa as my first track. I hop on and start jogging as the beat kicks in. Mentally preparing myself, I take a deep breath before I start singing the lyrics, making sure I can keep up my vocal range while performing.

You call me, all friendly, tellin' me how much you miss me
That's funny, I guess you've heard my songs
Well, I'm too busy for your business, go find a girl who wants to listen
'Cause if you think I was born yesterday, you have got me wrong

So I cut you off, I don't need your love
'Cause I already cried enough
I've been done, I've been movin' on
Since we said goodbye
I cut you off, I don't need your love
So you can try all you want
Your time is up, I'll tell you why

I pause briefly to catch my breath before joining in on the chorus. Dua Lipa is one of my favorite singers and imagine working with her? that's crazy.

You say you're sorry, but it's too late now
So save it, get gone, shut up
'Cause if you think I care about you now
Well, boy, I don't give a -

I remember that weekend when my best friend caught you creepin'
You blamed it all on the alcohol
So, I made my decision 'cause you made your bed, sleep in it
Play the victim and switch your position, I'm through, I'm done

So I cut you off, I don't need your love
'Cause I already cried enough
I've been done, I've been movin' on
Since we said goodbye
I cut you off, I don't need your love
So you can try all you want
Your time is up, I'll tell you why

You say you're sorry, but it's too late now
So save it, get gone, shut up
'Cause if you think I care about you now
Well, boy, I don't give a -

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