I'm planning on it

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Nat POV:
(5th April 2021)

I watch with a smile as they both embrace, happy to see Victoria happy. She deserves it. Victoria turns to me with a grin, exclaiming excitedly, "I can't believe I saved the life of THE BLACK WIDOW!" I could have saved myself if he attacked me, but I decide to let her have this moment. "Don't flatter yourselves, darling," I chuckle, causing a blush to spread across her cheeks at the nickname.

"Those are going to be some great paparazzi pics" Yelena laughs and pretends to create a headline with her hands, "World-famous singer Victoria Steel seen fighting alongside the Avengers." Victoria shrugs sheepishly, "HEY, if I have these skills, why not use them?"

"I'm probably going to go live today and explain everything," Victoria says in a positive voice, her eyes sparkling with determination. "I wanted to go live anyway." Her optimism and ability to find the good in every situation is something that has always stood out to me. She's a person of positivity, always willing to give second chances even when she's been hurt in the past. It's a quality I truly admire about her, her capacity to forgive and see the best in people.

As Wanda comes rushing towards Victoria, her voice filled with mock threat, "I swear, Victoria Katherine Steel, I will fucking kill you if you do that again," she tackles her in a tight hug. Victoria struggles to breathe amidst Wanda's embrace, her laughter infectious as tears of joy stream down Wanda's cheeks. "Wands, I... can't breathe," Victoria manages to gasp out, prompting Wanda to release her, still chuckling with mirth. "I really want to go home now," Clint interrupts, breaking the moment and causing everyone to erupt in laughter.
We begin to make our way back to the cars, splitting into groups for the journey. Tony, Steve, and Bruce take one car, Yelena, Kate, and Clint take another, leaving Wanda, Victoria, and I in the last one. Victoria settles into the seat, slipping on her headphones and leaning back, the gentle rhythm of her breathing indicating that she's slowly drifting off to sleep. Her big heart and unwavering kindness make her the nicest person I know, and in this moment, as she rests peacefully, I can't help but feel grateful to have her in my life...

"When are you going to ask her out?" Wanda inquires, catching me off guard with her directness. "Oh, what do you think I'm stupid? She's obviously your type, so go for it, ask her," she urges, playfully hitting my arm. "I'm planning on it, it's just... what if she doesn't like me back..." I confess, a tinge of sadness in my voice.

Wanda smiles reassuringly and takes my hands in hers. "Go for it, trust me, she likes you. Everyone can see that. You have something special, something I've never seen before. You don't want to look back at your life and wonder 'if only'," she encourages, soothing my worries. I thank her for her words of wisdom before turning my gaze back to Victoria, a smile forming on my lips. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever met, and in that moment, I feel a surge of courage and determination to take that leap and ask her out.


Vic POV:
"Oh my goodness I'm so tired" I let out an exhausted sigh as I flop onto my bed. Freshly showered and dressed, I'm eager to go live on Instagram. The comments section on my last post is buzzing with questions, and I can't wait to connect with my followers. With a deep breath, I grab my phone, open the app, and hit the plus sign to start a live stream.

 With a deep breath, I grab my phone, open the app, and hit the plus sign to start a live stream

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"Hey everyone!" I greet with a small wave, waiting for more viewers to join the live. "So, you've probably seen the pictures in the media, and I wanted to talk about that, but also just hang out with you all," I say with a smile. "Today, there was a situation at the hospital, and the Avengers had to jump in. I arrived later and, since I've been training with them, I joined as backup. Which was quite fun- but singing brings me way more joy." I continue, pausing briefly. "Romanoff and I ended up on the same team, but after this experience, I've realized that singing is what I want to do for the rest if my life, so I won't be doing that again." I finish explaining before shifting gears, asking, "So, what did you all get up to today?"

As I scroll through the comments, I stumble upon a message that catches my eye. It simply reads, "New music dropping soon 🎶." I can't help but smirk as I read it aloud, teasingly remarking, "Oh, you guys are unbelievable! Just dropped an album and already hungry for more, huh?" With a playful tone, I continue, "But hey, I hear you loud and clear. The good news is, there's fresh music in the works. Who's ready for a sneak peek?" The excitement in the comments is palpable, with fans eagerly waiting for a taste of what's to come. "Alright, alright," I say, building up the suspense. "I'll spill a little secret. There's a new project in the working, and one of the tracks is called 'Looking at me.'" The comments light up with anticipation, buzzing with excitement for the upcoming release. Fans are quick to express their excitement and curiosity about the upcoming music. Some fans start speculating about the sound and theme of the new track, while others share their excitement with emojis and exclamations.

Encouraged by the enthusiastic response, I decide to share a snippet of the lyrics from "Looking at me" to give fans a taste of what to expect. With a mischievous grin, I begin, "Alright, here's a little sneak peek of the chorus:

I can make it nice and easy, Imma take the lead.
They ain't even looking at you baby, they looking at me...'"

The comments section explodes with excitement as fans react to the snippet of lyrics. Some fans express their love for the imagery and vibe of the song, while others eagerly anticipate the full release. The engagement and buzz around the new music release continue to grow as fans eagerly await more details and updates.

As the comments flood in with excitement and anticipation, I can't help but feel grateful for the support and enthusiasm of my fans. I make a mental note to keep them updated on the progress of the new music and to share more sneak peeks in the future. "Alright, no more sneak peeks from me. I've probably already spilled too much, and Moni is going to give me a hard time," I chuckle before continuing the live for another 30 minutes.
"Hey guys, it's time for me to sign off now. I hope you all have a fantastic rest of the day. And if you have any ideas for 'Looking at Me,' don't forget to tag me—I'd love to see them!" I share enthusiastically before bidding my farewells.

As I wrap up the live stream, I set my phone down and let out a tired sigh before resting my head on the table. "You okay?" I hear a familiar voice—it's Yelena. I offer a smile and reply, "Yeah, just tired." Yelena sees through my facade and urges me to open up.
"I know when you lie stupid. Talk to me cmon" I walk over to her on the bed and sit down, leaning my head into her lap as she gently strokes my hair.

"I like someone, and I'm scared," I admit. Yelena's response catches me off guard
"Oh yeah Natasha" I look at her shocked before she continues, and she reassures me that Natasha feels the same way. "Seriously, everyone knows except you two. She's into you, you dummy. She even calls you darling, and you two act like an old married couple," she says, her tone tinged with annoyance. "It pisses me off that you're still not together. I have a bet to win, for crying out loud!"

"THERE'S A BET?" I exclaim loudly, taken aback by the revelation. "Oh yeah, everyone's in on it," she grins mischievously.
"Ugh... I want to ask her, but I'm scared," I groan, sinking back into her lap.
"Just do it. Go over to her room and ask her right now. Don't wait, just go," she encourages me, her voice filled with determination. I ponder her words for a moment. Now or never, right?
"You sure?" I seek reassurance from her, and she nods affirmatively. "Okay, I'm going."
With a deep breath, I stand up decisively. I know what I have to do. I leave my room and make my way to Natasha's, just one hall away. As I reach her door, I pause, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. "Screw it," I whisper to myself, mustering up the courage to knock on her door.

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