are they a bad idea?

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Vicky POV:
(7th April 2021)

"Hey Tori!" Manuel greets me with a smile, leaning in to give me two French kisses. "Heyyy!" I exclaim, returning the gesture with a hug. "So I hear you're in need of an interview outfit?" he teases, and I confirm with a nod. "Yes, and thank you for this dress, it's fucking stunning!" I shriek, admiring the garment he had brought for me.

He waves off my gratitude with a casual shrug. "That's what I'm here for, babes," he says with a grin. "So, do you have anything in mind, or should I pull out a few options for you?" he asks, leading me to his private wardrobe for celebrities. The showroom is open, but he also has a private space where he keeps his own creations or expensive designers.

"I want to keep it simple, like a shirt and skirt or jeans. I love fancy, but I need a change," I explain, and he nods in understanding. "We've got you covered," he reassures me as he begins to sift through the racks, pulling out pieces in my size. I take a seat on the couch as he works his magic, selecting items that fit my style and preferences.

His keen eye for fashion never fails to impress me, and I trust his judgment implicitly. He knows my style better than I do, and I have full confidence in his ability to choose the perfect outfit for my upcoming interview.

"So, how's the guy you met?" I ask, breaking the atmosphere of the showroom. Manuel's face lights up with excitement as he carefully selects a few tops to add to the growing pile in his arms. "He asked me out, and we're officially together now. I couldn't be happier!" he exclaims, a wide grin spreading across his face. I can't help but jump up from the couch in excitement. "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you!" I cheer.

Turning the conversation back to me, Manuel teasingly asks, "And how's it going with your girl?" he prods, a mischievous glint in his eye. I can't help but grin at his playful tone. "I confessed to her," I admit, feeling a rush of nerves and excitement at the memory. Manuel's eyes widen in disbelief. "Shut up! What did she say?" he demands eagerly, leading me to the couch to sit beside him.

"She likes me back, and we have a date planned in a few days. So, I'd say it's going pretty great," I reply, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Manuel can't contain his excitement, clapping his hands together in delight. "You lucky bitch! Now, come on, take these and try 'em on," he urges, handing me the carefully selected tops with a playful wink.

"Sure thing, Dad," I playfully tease him as I stand up, gathering all the items he had chosen. "No hun if anything its Daddy but shush and change!" he teases back, a mischievous glint in his eye. I shoot him a shocked look before retorting, "Horny Bitch!" with a playful smirk as I head towards the changing area.

As I close the curtains behind me, I can't help but chuckle at our banter. Manuel always knows how to lighten the mood and make me laugh, even in the most unexpected ways.


"So, how does it look?" Manuel asks, his eyes sparkling with anticipation as I stand before the full-length mirror, examining the outfit he had helped me put together. I take a moment to assess the ensemble, noting the elegant skirt and stylish shoes that complement each other perfectly.

"I'll definitely take the skirt and shoes, but the top isn't quite my style," I explain, turning to face him with a thoughtful expression. Manuel nods understandingly, his creative mind already working on a solution. "Mhm, okay, let me see what I can find," he says, a determined look in his eyes as he heads over to the racks of clothing.

After a brief search, Manuel returns to my side, a grey graphic baby tee in his hand. "How about this one?" he suggests, a knowing smile playing on his lips. I take the shirt from him, examining the design with interest. "That's cute!" I exclaim, a grin spreading across my face as I appreciate his choice.

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