ice cream

15 1 0

Vicky POV
(6th April 2021)

After around an hour of talking and laughter, our waitress returned with three different dishes in hand. "Hey guys, we've got tomato soup, a medium-well steak with roasted potatoes and a side salad, and an Italian sausage lasagna," she announced before placing them on the table for us to choose. Pepper eagerly exclaimed, "Thank you!" she exclaims as the waitress leaves our table. "I absolutely adore tomato soup!" she says as she reached for the tomato soup. Dad turned to me and asked, "Do you want the stake?" I nodded in agreement, saying, "Sure!" as I grabbed the plate and the side salad bowl.


"I'm full," I groan dramatically, slumping back in my chair. Pepper giggles, her eyes sparkling with joy. "But it was sooo good, right?" she chimes in, her words slightly slurred.

I nod vigorously, a goofy smile plastered on my face. "Trueee," I slur out, Dad chuckles at our antics, shaking his head in amusement. "What did you think of the lasagna?" Pepper asks, her words blending together slightly.

Dad leans back in his chair, contemplating for a moment. "You know, I'm not usually a big fan of lasagna, but this one was pretty darn good," he admits, a hint of surprise in his voice. I clap my hands excitedly, a little too enthusiastically. "I finawy have you on lasag- lasan, lasaga..." I exclaim, struggling a bit with the word.

Dad chuckles at my enthusiasm, exchanging a knowing look with Pepper. "I think someone might have had a bit too much to drink," he teases, a playful grin in his face. I shake my head, my words slurring slightly. "Nooo, never," I protest, a lopsided grin on my face.

Pepper glances at Tony, a fond smile on her lips. "Maybe it's time to head home, Vicky," she suggests gently. Tony nods in agreement, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Yeah, probably a good idea," he agrees and grins at her, and I can't help but smile at their adorable interaction. "Hehehe, you are so cute!" I chuckle, my words slightly slurred, as I laugh sheepishly.

"Alright, let's head home," Dad says with a playful roll of his eyes, signaling the end of our meal. He gestures for the waitress to come over, and she approaches our table with a warm smile. "Would you like something more to drink?" she inquires, her voice friendly and inviting.

Dad shakes his head, declining the offer. "No, thank you. We're ready to pay," he states, prompting the waitress to nod in understanding. "Of course! Will you be paying with cash or card?" she asks, after a brief moment of consideration, Dad decides, "Cash is fine." The waitress smiles in response, assuring us, "Alright, I'll be back with the bill in a second." With a final nod, she gracefully walks away.

"Cam we tip?" I ask my words slurred, turning to Dad with a hopeful expression. "Vicky, we always tip... and we should give her even more for going along with our random meal choices," Dad explains, his voice filled with appreciation. Despite his explanation, my expression remains puzzled as I try to process his words the alcohol not allowing me to think clearly.

"Really?..." I mumble, the words slightly slurred as I sink back into my chair, still a bit confused. The waitress approaches our table, holding out the bill with a warm smile. "Here's the total, it comes to $237," she announces, handing the bill to Dad. Without hesitation, Dad reaches into his wallet and pulls out three one hundred-dollar bills, a generous tip in hand.

"Keep the rest!" Dad declares, a smile on his lips as he hands her the money. The waitress's eyes widen in surprise, her disbelief noticeable in her expression. "Oh-uh, th-thank you! So, so much," she stammers, her gratitude clear as she accepts the tip. Dad waves off her thanks with a casual gesture, a warm smile on his face. "Byeeee!" I wave and laugh at her as she leaves and Pepper chuckles softly standing up as well as Dad.

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