On my shoulder

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Nat's POV:
(31 March 2021)

After five more episodes, I notice Victoria is slowly getting sleepy, and I can't help but smile. "Do you want to watch another episode or something different?" she asks me. "We can continue to watch Castle if you want, darling," I reply softly, watching her melt at the nickname. Every time I call her darling or love, she gets flustered, and I love that.

"Okay, now we have to watch... Ooh, Season 5, Episode 22. I love that one because Richard was willing to die with Kate in that episode," she rambles excitedly. I smile at her because even though she tells me the story every time we watch that episode, I still let her explain it to me because she gets so excited talking about it.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Victoria asks, unsure. I smirk and look away. "Nothing – you look cute when you talk about something you're excited about," I say, turning back to her with a smile. She hides her face in her hands, blushing.

"Okay, now come on, let's actually watch the episode. I'm excited to see what happens," I say, taking her hands away from her face. "But you already know what happens," she pouts. "Do I?... No, I must've forgotten," I sigh, deciding to play with her. She giggles and turns on the episode.

I smile and look towards the projector as Victoria cuddles deeper into the sheets. I move the snack tray to the side, knowing she's about to fall asleep. We continue watching the episode when I feel a head on my shoulder. I look to see Victoria has fallen asleep, and I can't help but smile. I let her rest, covering her small body with a blanket before giving her a kiss on the forehead and closing my eyes.


Victoria's POV:
(1st April 2021)

I wake up to the gentle warmth of sunlight caressing my face, prompting me to scrunch my nose and slowly open my eyes. As I groan and sit up, my gaze falls upon Natasha, peacefully asleep beside me. A soft smile tugs at my lips as I realize she stayed here with me. I can't help but feel a surge of warmth and contentment in my heart.

Without hesitation, I lay back down, this time snuggling into her side, resting my head on her chest, and wrapping my arms around her waist. I close my eyes and focus on the rhythmic beat of her heart, finding solace in the familiar sound as if it were the most beautiful melody in the world.

Time seems to stand still as I bask in the comfort of her presence, but soon I sense Natasha shifting slightly beside me. Curious, I decide to playfully pretend to be asleep, waiting to see her next move. Before long, I feel her arms encircle me, pulling me closer to her. A soft smile dances on my lips as I open my eyes and meet her gaze.

"Good morning, love. How did you sleep?" she whispers, her voice filled with tenderness. I can't resist teasing her a bit, so I playfully reply, "Good... all thanks to you." Natasha chuckles at my response, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Well then, I might just have to sleep here every night, huh?" she suggests, brushing a stray strand of hair away from my face. I grin in response, feeling a surge of warmth at her words. "You might just have to," I play along, a hint of playfulness in my tone.

With a gentle nudge, Natasha suggests, "Come on, sleeping beauty, let's go eat breakfast." I nod in agreement, feeling a sense of comfort and happiness at the prospect of starting the day together. We rise from the bed, ready to embrace the day ahead, hand in hand, knowing that no matter what challenges may come our way, we'll face them together.

As we make our way to the kitchen, the smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, adding to the sense of coziness and warmth that surrounds us. I can't help but feel grateful for this moment, for the love that Natasha brings into my life each and every day that she doesn't even know off yet.

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