Social vs Media

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Nat POV:
(12th April 2021)

I reach for her phone and scroll through the articles, my expression shifting from curiosity to disbelief. "Well, that's just great," I mutter sarcastically, a chuckle escaping my lips. "According to this, I supposedly attacked the Paparazzi, and now they're creating this rumor about us being in a relationship. They even question how someone like Victoria could be with a former KGB Agent like me." I let out a deep sigh, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation.

Kate chimes in, offering an explanation, "I guess it Social Media vs Paparazzi then..." she adds and I look at her with a confused expression on my face. "Instagram and Tik Tok are full of videos of how it was time someone spoke up to the Pap and they praise you for this," Her words bring a faint smile to my lips, a glimmer of reassurance in the midst of the chaos.

"I guess it's not all bad," I murmur, leaning back against the headboard, processing the whirlwind of rumors and public attention.

"You guys should probably go... I just need some time alone now." Kate and the others nod understandingly, each offering a comforting hug before stepping out of the room.

As soon as the door closes behind them, a surge of pent-up emotions erupt within me. Without thinking, I reach for the nearest object within reach, a glass, and throw it against the wall and watch as it shatters into a thousand pieces.

Vicky POV:

"Ah, damn it!" I curse under my breath as a sharp pain shoots through my finger, followed by the warm trickle of blood. Startled, I jump to my feet and instinctively bring my finger to my lips, tasting the metallic taste of blood. My gaze falls to the bathroom floor, a chaotic mosaic of shattered glass glinting in the light.

"Hey Tori, can I come in?" Wanda's voice interrupts my thoughts, and I manage a muffled "yeah" through my finger. "Tori, what on earth happened?", Wanda's voice rings out in shock,
her eyes widen in shock at the sight before her—a scene of broken glass and a bleeding finger. I meet her gaze, my own expression a mix of sadness and reassurance.

"My glass slipped from my hands, and I ended up cutting myself. It's nothing serious, just a small cut," I explain, motioning towards the scattered shards of glass on the bathroom floor. With a determined nod, I rise from my crouched position, intending to clean up the mess.

"Wait, hold on. You're not wearing shoes," Wanda interjects, her voice firm and unwavering. Before I can protest or offer an excuse, she continues in a no-nonsense tone, "That wasn't a question move your ass... now" Her words leave no room for argument, her authority clear in her tone.

I offer a playful salute in response to her command, a hint of amusement in my eyes despite the situation. Carefully navigating the treacherous terrain of broken glass, I make my way out of the bathroom, mindful of avoiding any potential harm.

As I step out of the bathroom, I lean against the wall, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude towards Wanda. I can hear the sound of her moving about inside, the clinking of glass and the swish of a broom indicating her efforts to clean up the mess I had created.

A few moments later, Wanda emerges from the bathroom, a small trash bag in hand, a look of satisfaction on her face. "All taken care of," she announces, a reassuring smile gracing her lips. I offer her a grateful nod, appreciative of her quick response and efficient cleanup.

"Thanks, Wands. I really appreciate it," I say, my voice laced with genuine gratitude. Wanda waves off my thanks, her expression warm and understanding.

"It's no problem, Tori. Accidents happen," she reassures me, her tone gentle and reassuring. I offer her a small smile in return, feeling a sense of relief at having such a supportive friend by my side.

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