I will hunt you down!

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Vicky POV:
(12th April 2021)

"Excuse me, could I please have two hotdogs with ketchup?" I ask the man behind the counter. He nods and begins preparing our order. "That will be 4 dollars," he informs me. I reach for my wallet as Nat takes the hotdogs. After handing over the cash, we exchange goodbyes and I receive my hotdog. "I absolutely love hotdogs," I giggle, to which Nat agrees with a smile. "It's another thing we have in common!" I exclaim happily, causing Nat to chuckle. We make our way across the street and stroll through Hudson River Park, eventually finding a bench to sit down and enjoy our food.

"How late is it?" I ask, turning to Nat with a curious expression. She glances at her iPhone and responds, "It's 6:39 pm." I gasp in surprise, "Wow, it's already that late?" Nat chuckles in response, and we both share a moment of disbelief at how quickly time has passed.

As we continue our conversation, engrossed in each other's company, a frisbee unexpectedly lands in front of me. I exchange a puzzled glance with Nat, who shrugs her shoulders in confusion. Without hesitation, I rise from the bench and bend down to pick up the frisbee.

Scanning the area, I notice a group of children nearby, eagerly waving in my direction. A warm smile spreads across my face as I realize the frisbee belongs to them. With a playful grin, I take aim and throw the frisbee back to the kids. "Thank you!" one of the girls exclaims, her voice filled with gratitude. I can't help but smile at their joy and wave back before settling back onto the bench beside Nat.

As I lower myself back onto the bench after returning the frisbee to the children, a flicker of movement catches my eye. I turn my head slightly and notice figures crouched near a bush not too far away. My curiosity piqued, I squint my eyes to get a better look and my heart skips a beat when I realize they're paparazzi holding cameras.

"Natty, there's a paparazzi over there. Can we please go?" I murmur, a sense of discomfort creeping over me. Nat follows my gaze and her expression shifts to one of concern. "Yeah, let's get out of here, babe," she responds, reaching for my hand to help me up. But as she stands, I find myself frozen to the spot.

"Hey, what's going on? Are you okay?" Nat asks softly, a tinge of worry reflected in her eyes as she notices me standing there. I meet her gaze and offer a smile. "You called me 'Babe'," I grin, noticing her mouth open as if she's about to say something before she looks down, cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment. "Yeah, I'm sorry... It's okay if you don't want me to call you that, I just..." she trails off, her words tumbling out in a rush.

My mind races, contemplating whether I should take the risk and just kiss her in that moment. "Nat," I interject, trying to halt her rambling, but she continues on. "Natasha," I try again, a bit more assertively this time. "Natasha Romanoff!" I speak up, catching her attention. "Sorry," she mumbles, looking slightly flustered. "It's okay! I actually liked it," I say softly, a warm smile playing on my lips as I reassure her.

As Nat smiles back at me, her eyes sparkling with warmth, I can't help but feel a surge of affection towards her. I squeeze her hand gently, a silent gesture of reassurance, and slowly lean in, the world around us fading into the background. But before our lips can meet, a sudden barrage of camera flashes blinds me, startling me out of the moment.

"Victoria, is she your girlfriend?" "Black Widow, are you a lesbian?" "Since when are you dating?" The reporters' voices ring out, their questions piercing the air like arrows. The once-distant paparazzi have now closed in, forming a tight circle around us. I feel a wave of panic wash over me as I realize the situation we're in.

My heart races as I look around frantically, the invasive presence of the paparazzi overwhelming me. Some of them even reach out and touch me, causing a surge of fear to course through my veins. "Hey, back off!" I hear Nat's voice, strong and protective, cutting through the chaos. In an instant, she pulls me closer to her, shielding me from the prying eyes and invasive hands of the paparazzi.

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