Sound check

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Vic POV:
(30th March 2021)

Today is the day of my release party of my debut album, and my Dad has gone all out to make it a grand affair. I'll be performing the entire album in front of the Stark Tower, with a massive stage and room for around 10 thousand fans, although I highly doubt that many will show up. I'll start off the show with three of my singles before performing into my debut album. I currently sit in my room at the Stark Tower, and watch the preparations happening outside my window.

I have soundcheck scheduled in just 30 minutes, so I start getting ready. I rummage through my closet for an outfit that's both comfortable and stylish, settling on a coordinated gray skirt and vest paired with black socks and my Doc Martens. As I glance at my phone, I see a message from my manager, Monica, confirming that everything is running smoothly outside.

Are you ready? Soundcheck is in 10.
                                                              Yes momm

Get downstairs
(reacted with 🫡)


I open my camera and take a few selfies for my behind-the-scenes Instagram post. Exiting my room, I walk towards the elevator and hit the button for the first floor. I lean against the wall, stepping out as the doors slide open, I quickly run outside to find my manager. Backstage, I can't see the crowd, but I can hear the screams of excitement. With VIP tickets that include soundcheck, I'm eager to see how many fans are here.

"Can I head out?" I ask of Moni, who signals a tech guy to hand me a microphone. I take a deep breath, I've performed concerts before, but the nerves always get to me. Stepping onto the stage, I feel a wave of confidence hit me. Peeking out, I'm met with screams, so I stride out and wave to the crowd. "Hey, how's everyone doing?" I address them through the mic, greeted by more screams. Smiling, I continue, "I can't believe it's my album release night!" Laughing, I add, "Alright, let's start off the soundcheck with the first song!" The crowd erupts in cheers as the music starts.

(I will be using Olivia's albums, but I will also take songs from different artists and might even change one or two lyrics)

My go-to song is always Gasoline (originally by Halsey), I start every concert with it since it was my first ever song, which leads to a special connection with my first ever work that lead me here.

Are you insane like me?
Been in pain like me?
Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me?
Just to pour that motherfucker down the drain like me?
Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me?
Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me?
Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me?
Do the people whisper 'bout you on the train like me?
Saying that you shouldn't waste your pretty face like me?

I look around and see everyone singing with me, so I walk towards the end of the stage and crouch down singing to a few fans.

And all the people say
You can't wake up, this is not a dream
You're part of a machine, you are not a human being
With your face all made up, living on a screen
Low on self-esteem, so you run on gasoline
I think there's a flaw in my code
(Oh, ooh-oh, ooh-oh, oh)
These voices won't leave me alone
Well, my heart is gold and my hands are cold

Are you deranged like me?
Are you strange like me?
Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
Do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me?
Pointing fingers 'cause you'll never take the blame like me?

I spring back to my feet and run to the edge of the stage, leaping into the air as the final chorus kicks in. Normally a quiet moment in the song, this time I sing it as if it's the last time

And all the people say
You can't wake up, this is not a dream
You're part of a machine, you are not a human being
With your face all made up, living on a screen
Low on self-esteem, so you run on gasoline
I think there's a flaw in my code
(Oh, ooh-oh, ooh-oh, oh)
These voices won't leave me alone
Well, my heart is gold and my hands are cold

As the music fades, I take a moment to catch my breath before addressing the crowd again. "Are just New Yorkers in the house tonight?" I inquire, I get a chorus of responses from various cities. However, my attention is immediately captured by a voice shouting, "YOU'RE FROM FUCKING GERMANY?" I exclaim in shock, my voice cracking with surprise. The woman nods, confirming my disbelief. "Did you really fly all the way here for the concert?" I question, to which she nods once more. "SHUT UP- I love you, you're so kind," I express, with gratitude towards my fans. "Would you like to join me on stage?" I offer, and she eagerly nods, grinning widely. With security's approval, she steps onto the stage, and I embrace her in a tight hug. "You're really from Germany?" I say in disbelief. "Yes, I came here because you've never performed in Germany before," she explains, tears welling in her eyes. I gently wipe them away, responding, "Well, we'll have to change that soon." I playfully wiggle my eyebrows and chuckle. "Thank you for being here," I express sincerely as she returns to her spot in the audience. "Now, are you all ready for the next song?" I ask, met with a roar of cheers. "ALRIGHT, NEW YORK LET ME HEAR YOU SCREAM FOR THIS ONE!-"


I have 10 minutes till I have to be on stage. Ok calm down Victoria you've done this many times before. I take a few deep breaths but I'm interrupted when I hear a familiar voice screaming my name "VICTORIA HI" I open my eyes and turn around to see that it's Yelena. My eyes start to water as I leave my spot to hug her. "Yelena what are you doing here?" I ask her visually confused "To support you of course?". Just as I was about to thank her I see Kate and Wanda pop up behind Yelena.
"Omg hey guys!" I exclaim excitedly and embrace them both in a tight hug "I thought you were on vacation?" I ask Wanda "You didn't actually think we would miss your first album. We just said we would be gone to surprise you, dumbass" Wanda explains it to me and my eyes soften with appreciation but I can't loose the opportunity to joke around "Now I have to be extremely good when I perform don't I?" I giggle and Kate nods. "And how do you like my stage outfit?" I ask concerned that it doesn't look good enough. "You look hot" Is the only thing Kate brings out of her mouth in my response I playfully slap her arm. I'm wearing a light blue corset dress bedazzled in rhinestones and I'm wearing black boots to match. "Do you want to stay backstage or in first row?" I ask the girls and they look at each other and almost say in sync "We'll stay here" and I'm satisfied with their answer. I notice the expressions they have on their faces and I get a gut feeling that something is planned that I don't know about. "You don't have anything planned right? Because I don't trust the look on your faces" I say brutally honest and they won't stop denying it. Oh fuck it it's fine. "You have to be on stage in one minute, get ready!" Monica exclaims and calls a guy from tech over with a single move of her finger and he hands me a lavender microphone. "First ever album" I express, a big smile growing on my face. My in-ear monitor dangles from around my neck and I put my ear piece in and wait for my signal.

"10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1" I hear the monitor voice, and when it reaches the three I take one last deep breath and run out on stage where I'm greeted with cheering and soon enough the backtrack to Gasoline starts.

First chapter wow. I really want to thank my friend for telling me to post this bc I don't think I would've and for anyone reading this rn please comment give me suggestions or ways to make it better be brutally honest with me!!!

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