sunsets and girlfriends // "I should go"

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Vicky POV:

As the elevator doors open, I quickly step out and see Natasha sitting at the edge, just like the last time we were in this place. "I brought your sweater," I say with a smile, holding it out to her. She smiles back at me and says softly, "Keep it." I look at her in surprise and ask, "Are you sure?" She nods, and I grin before nodding in return. "Come on, let's sit on the couch. It's much more comfortable than the ground," I suggest. Natasha chuckles and stands up, and I smile as I run towards the couch, throwing down some blankets. I hear her laughter as she lets herself fall onto the couch.

I grab the soft blanket draped over the back of the couch and wrap it snugly around my shoulders, feeling its comforting warmth envelop me. "You look funny," Natasha giggles, her eyes sparkling with amusement. I can't help but grin at her playful comment as I settle down beside her on the couch.

With a mischievous spark in her eyes, Natasha gently tugs on the edge of the blanket, pulling me closer to her. I rest my head on her chest, feeling the steady rhythm of her heartbeat beneath my cheek, and she instinctively wraps her arms around me, creating a cocoon of warmth and security.

I glance down, attempting to hide the smile that threatens to spread across my face, but the sensation in my stomach betrays my true feelings. Unable to contain my joy, I let out a soft giggle, causing Natasha to look down at me with a curious expression.

"What are you giggling at?" she teases, her voice filled with affection. "Nothing," I reply, a smile playing on my lips. Natasha raises an eyebrow in playful skepticism. "Sure," she says with a knowing nod.

The sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the two of us as we sit on the couch, watching the sky turn shades of pink and orange. "You know, I heard you sing when I picked you up," I mention with a playful grin, turning to look at her. She chuckles softly, a hint of self-deprecation in her voice. "Oh, well, then you know why I never chose to be a singer," she jokes, but I sense a flicker of vulnerability beneath her words.

Unwilling to let the moment pass, I maintain a serious expression and suggest, "You should sing a song on my next album." I offer her a warm smile, hoping to convey my genuine belief in her talent. She shakes her head slightly, a mix of uncertainty and amusement in her eyes. "No, that's your music, not mine. I don't even know how to write or anything," she chuckles, dismissing the idea before it fully takes root.

Determined to persuade her, I gently shush her and propose, "I'll write for you, and you just sing it. If you don't like it, we don't have to release it." I watch her expression closely, sensing her internal struggle as she considers my offer. After a moment of contemplation, she sighs softly, her resolve wavering. "I can't say no, can I?" she chuckles, a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes.

With a reassuring smile, I shake my head. "No, you can't," I reply, my voice filled with encouragement. She hesitates for a moment before nodding slowly. "Sure, I'll record a song... but only one, never again!" she insists with a playful tone, trying to maintain a sense of control over the situation. I can't help but laugh at her playful protest, feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of collaborating with her on a musical project.

"Fine with me," I reply with a soft smile, my eyes meeting hers before momentarily flickering down to her lips. A rush of warmth floods my chest as I quickly rest my head back on Natasha's chest, feeling the steady rhythm of her heartbeat beneath my ear. With a playful twinkle in her eyes, Natasha runs her fingers along the hem of my shirt, a gentle touch that sends a shiver down my spine.

"It's probably gonna rain soon," Natasha remarks, her gaze drifting towards the dark clouds gathering in the sky. The sun is on the verge of setting, casting a dusky glow over the landscape. "We should go inside," she whispers, her fingers threading through my hair in a soothing gesture. I let out a soft whine, reluctant to move from our comfortable spot. "I don't wanna stand up, I'm too cozy here," I protest, earning a chuckle from Natasha.

"Yeah, you're comfortable on me?" she teases, a playful glint in her eyes. I nod in agreement, looking up at her with a contented smile, unaware of how close our faces have drawn together.

As I gaze into Natasha's eyes, a range of emotions swirls within me, I lean in, pressing my lips against hers, the brief contact sending a shock of electricity through me.

Pulling back slightly, I search Natasha's face for any sign of her reaction, my heart pounding in my chest. When she remains silent, a heavy silence settles between us. Feeling a rush of panic and regret welling up inside me, I slowly sit up, my movements hesitant and uncertain. "I... I should go," I murmur softly, the words barely audible as I struggle to contain the tears within me. With a heavy heart, I stand up, leaving the warmth of the blanket behind as I take a shaky step away from Natasha.

"No, Vicky, wait," Natasha's voice cuts through the silence, Ignoring her voice, I continue to walk away, each step a painful reminder of my own foolishness.

In a sudden and unexpected moment, I feel Natasha's hand grab my wrist, her touch firm yet gentle as she pulls me closer to her. My heart races as she cups my face, her touch sending a wave of warmth through me. I can feel the intensity of her gaze as she leans in, a brief pause before our lips meet in a soft, innocent kiss. I melt into her embrace, the world around us fading away as I softly kiss her back.

As we pull away, our breaths heavy in the space between us, I meet Natasha's eyes, getting lost in her emerald eyes. A smile tugs at the corners of my lips as she begins to speak, her voice filled with a hint of nervousness and vulnerability. "I actually wanted to ask you today..." she starts, her words trailing off momentarily as she takes a deep breath. My heart flutters in my chest as I wait for her next words.

"...if you'd like to be my girlfriend," Natasha finishes, her eyes searching mine for a response. My smile widens, a rush of joy welling up inside me as I nod enthusiastically. "Yes! Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" I exclaim, laughter bubbling up from within me. Natasha's expression lights up with relief and happiness, her nervousness melting away.

"Oh, thank goodness!" she exclaims, a sense of relief noticeable in her voice. Without hesitation, I throw my arms around her in a tight hug, feeling her strong embrace envelop me. We hold each other close, the world around us fading into the background. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of Natasha's embrace, I know that this is just the beginning of a beautiful journey together.

As the raindrops gently fall on my skin, I can feel the coolness on my skin. I slowly pull away from Nat's embrace, but her hands remain securely wrapped around my waist, drawing me closer to her. "I love rain," I say with a smile, hoping Nat will remember the significance of those words. A soft chuckle escapes her lips, indicating that she does. "Why?" she asks, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. I pause for a moment, trying to remember my words. "It's like the sky is sharing tears with you. And now I'm crying happy tears, so the sky is celebrating with us," I smile softly, feeling a surge of emotion welling up inside me. Tears of joy begin to stream down my face, and Nat reaches up to gently wipe them away. "I love dancing," she says with a grin, causing me to giggle in response. "And I love kissing in the rain," I tease, leaning in to press my lips against hers in a soft, tender kiss. The rain continues to fall around us, adding to the magic of the moment as we stand there, wrapped up in each other's arms.

We finally break apart, and I smile remembering everything that happened in the rain. "Notice how everything amazing happens in the rain," I grin, looking up at the darkened sky with a smile. "Like what?" Nat asks, her smile soft and curious as she meets my gaze. I lift my eyes to hers and begin to recount our shared history. "The day I first moved in, it was pouring rain. That was when I first saw you. We confessed our feelings for each other in the rain, and now you've asked me to be your girlfriend in the rain," I explain, Nat's smile widening at my words. "I suppose that's our story, then," she chuckles softly, and I laugh in agreement. "I love that," I reply, grinning widely.

Nat leans in to kiss me once more, and I stand on my tiptoes to reach her better, wrapping my arms around her neck as she holds me close by my waist. The rain continues to fall around us, like a gentle backdrop.

I need to write more chapters bc I only have 4 backup chapters left in case I can't write for like a few weeks and I normally update every 3-4 days💀

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