DON'T do it again!

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Vic POV:
(5th April 2021)

As Wanda asks for our help in cooking dinner, I eagerly agree, and so does Nat. "What are you cooking?" I ask, leaning in to get a better look at the pot. "German Goulash," Wanda responds with a smile, scrunching her nose in a playful manner. "Oh, I love Goulash," I exclaim, feeling touched by her consideration. "I wanted to make it because you've been working so hard on your new songs," Wanda chuckles, and I can't help but tackle her into a hug out of gratitude. She laughs and returns the hug.
Nat, on the other hand, seems to show a hint of jealousy in her expression. I silently mouth a question to her, "Are you okay?" but she ignores it, causing my smile to drop momentarily. However, I quickly compose myself. "So, what can we do?" Nat asks, trying to be helpful despite her earlier reaction. We split up the tasks, working together to prepare the meal, and despite the initial tension, we manage to create a delicious dinner together.


Wanda mumbles, "It should be done now, let me check," as she heads over to the kitchen. "Yep, it's ready! Come on, let's call everyone and eat," she exclaims excitedly. "Friday, can you call everyone in for lunch, please?" I ask, and the A.I responds promptly, "Of course, Miss Steel." I quickly thank Friday before Natasha and I set the table, while Wanda dishes out the German Goulash into everyone's bowls. As Steve enters the kitchen, he asks, "What did you cook?" Wanda replies with a smile, "German Goulash," which earns a grin from him. Soon, everyone else joins us at the table, and we all dig into the delicious meal. However, I can't help but notice that Dad is missing, causing a slight worry to creep into my mind.

Suddenly, a loud voice interrupts our meal, "GUYS, we have a mission! Suit up now!" Tony rushes in, his expression serious. Steve, Clint, and Bruce immediately jump up and hurry to get their suits on. "Who do you need?" Nat asks and I anxiously hope he won't choose her. "Everyone we can get. There's a hostage situation in a hospital," Tony announces, making Nat, Wanda, Kate, and Yelena to rush out to prepare. "Stay here, don't follow us," Tony instructs me firmly, pointing a finger in my direction. I nod in understanding as Tony and the others leave, leaving me alone in the kitchen, my thoughts racing with concern for their safety.

I glance around the room, noticing the abandoned bowls of food and glasses of drinks. "Oh fuck it it's fine," I mutter to myself before hurrying to my room to prepare. I may not be an Avenger, but Natasha and I have trained together every day, and I've managed to hold her down multiple times already, and that thought make's me proud. I remember the S.H.I.E.L.D uniform I wore for Halloween, I quickly grab it and slip it on, along with a pair of black boots and a ponytail to keep my hair out of the way.

Once I'm ready, I dash out of my room, checking my phone for news updates. I quickly find an article detailing the situation and the address of the hospital. Making my way to the garage, I select one of Dad's cars and speed off towards the hospital. As I arrive, I see a large parking lot, only half of which is secured by police. Taking a deep breath, I approach the police tape with confidence, flashing my uniform to gain access.

Once inside, I scan the area and approach a group of agents, quietly observing their notes as they work. My focus is interrupted when I notice someone approaching me - Nick Fury. My heart skips a beat as since he knows I'm not an actual agent. "Don't even think about it," he says calmly, but I maintain my cool. "Please, let me help. I know I'm not an Agent but I trained with Romanoff and I know S.H.I.E.L.D tactics better than anyone," I plead, knowing my capabilities.

Fury considers my words "Fine." he says before he instructs me to gear up with a bulletproof vest and guns. "If you get hurt, it's on you," he warns sternly. I nod in acknowledgment before rushing to the van to equip myself with the necessary gear.

I may not enjoy shooting, but I have learned how to handle a gun thanks to Nat's training in combat and shooting, Yel teaching me about knives, and Clint about archery. Once I finish suiting up I return to Fury who nods at me, cautioning me to be careful. I acknowledge his warning and make my way to the hospital entrance. With my gun in hand and safety off, I move through the first floor quietly, not encountering any threats. As I walk up the stairs, the sound of shouting and terrified screams fills the air. I take a deep breath and press myself against the wall as I reach the top of the stairs, carefully surveying the situation. I spot two armed men ahead, and instead of resorting to shooting, I opt for my tasers. With their backs turned to me, I greet them "Hey there fellas" using Nat's signature catchphrase, causing them to turn around and aim their guns at me. Swiftly, I fire my tasers at both of them, who drop down to the ground. I secure one of the men in a small room, before repeating the process with the other. As I cautiously proceed down the hallway, the screams intensify, leading me to a door when I suddenly I hear a voice.  "Why are you here?" I hear a voice and quickly turn around, gun in hand. It's Nat. I relax "Fury let me in," I mutter, scratching my neck. "He did what?" she hisses, clearly upset. "Relax, I can handle myself. I've already secured two guys in the room over there," I brag. Natasha glares at me, "You shouldn't be here! Get out, it's not safe!" she whispers but I get frustrated with her overprotectiveness, "No, I can handle this. I'm an adult and you trained me, I thought you would have more faith in me." She sighs, "Fine, now is not the time to argue. But we will talk about this later. I'll go in, you cover me." She gestures towards the door and I nod, ready to protect her as she enters the room.

I see three armed men surrounding patients, doctors, and nurses. I remain silent as Nat sneaks up behind one of the men and puts him in a chokehold. "Shoot me and your buddy is history, along with all of you," Nat calmly declares. I step into the center of the room, aiming my guns at the two men. "Drop your weapons," Nat commands, still holding the group's leader in her grasp. He nods, and the men comply, dropping their guns. We corral them into a separate room and lock the door. As I turn around, I see Nat securing the leader, but then notice a dark figure creeping up behind her. I race towards the figure, surprised by my newfound speed, before quickly scanning the room for a chance to strike. I notice a chair nearby and jump onto it, launching myself at the figure and knocking them to the ground. As I land on my side and roll backwards to a safe stop, I glance up to see Nat, looking slightly stunned.

"Who said I couldn't fight?" I joke, making her chuckle. Natasha then handcuffs the two attackers and detains them in a separate room away from the others. I catch my breath and suggest, "Maybe I should join the Avengers." She eyes me, unsure if I'm serious, but I can't contain my laughter. "Just kidding this is fun but I really prefer singing," I admit, lightening the mood. She breathes a sigh of relief and embraces me, whispering, "I'm so glad you're safe darling." We hold each other for a moment before she releases me and communicates over the comms. "Second floor secure," she reports. Soon, heavily armed agents arrive, and we guide them to the captured individuals before heading outside. "You know, you really did great." Nat complements me and I can't help but blush.

As we step outside, camera flashes bombard us and I can't help but roll my eyes in annoyance. We find a bench in front of the hospital and as more and more people emerge - Agents, Hostages, the Terrorists, and finally the Avengers, I quickly stand up to make sure everyone is okay. Dad rushes towards me, yelling, "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" I resist the urge to snap back and simply reply that I wasn't but Natasha steps in to defend me "Tony she probably saved my life" she explains calmy. Tony looks shocked, and I look down at the ground, feeling guilty. He opens his Iron Man suit and embraces me into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry , Dad," I admit, and he gently pulls away before placing his hands on my face. "It's alright, just don't make the same mistake again," he says softly, and I nod in agreement. "And now you have to tell me the whole story about how you supposedly saved Natasha's life with Pepper at dinner tomorrow," he teases, and I chuckle through a few tears.

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