I don't think this will work

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Vicky POV:
(13th April 2021)

I awaken to the gentle warmth of the sun streaming through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. The light lands on my face, tickling my nose. I scrunch my nose in response and let out a groan as I sit up.

Beside me, Wanda stirs, a smile playing on her lips as she gazes at her phone. "Oh, you're finally awake. Good morning," she greets me, her voice laced with amusement. "Also, did you turn off the TV last night?" Her question about the TV from last night prompts me to shake my head, followed by the unusual silence of the room.

"Normally, if we fall asleep it's still on when we wake up," Wanda mumbles, her brow furrowed in confusion. I follow her gaze to the TV, contemplating the mystery before deciding to leave it for later as I stretch and swing my legs out of bed.

"Well, I'm off to grab breakfast. So join me or rot in bed? Oh, wait, it's my bed," I joke, earning a playful pillow thrown in my direction as I make my way to the door. The familiar sounds of the house greet me as I head towards the kitchen.

As I enter the kitchen, I am met with a sense of urgency as my dad rushes towards me, his expression with concern. "Vicky, thank goodness you're up. There are reporters outside waiting to ask you about yesterday!" he exclaims, causing me to pause in my tracks, a sense of dread settling in.

"Fantastic," I mutter under my breath. "Well, Moni is coming over today to bring me through this mess," I inform my dad, reaching for my favorite mug from the cabinet. I prepare a cappuccino with and wait for it to brew, I grab my phone and start scrolling through my feed, noticing that I haven't posted in a while. I quickly snap a few photos of the hot drink. With my coffee captured, I stroll over to the sofa, sink back into its soft cushions, and nip on my coffee.

"Good morning!" I hear a cheerful voice and turn to see it's Monica. "Morning" I mumble not caring to move. "So I see the reporters outside..." she says softly as she sits down next to me. "Yep..." I say popping the P and take a sip of my cappuccino. "I see you're not in the mood for smalltalk so let's get to it then." she sighs deeply. "So first of all don't make any statement you did nothing wrong you can talk to reporters if you want to but you don't have too. If you do want to im going to write you a script. I would also suggest you talk to Natasha personally so you clear up any worries and you both are on the same level." she explains and I nod still not moving.

I let out a sarcastic chuckle as I admit, "I'm too scared to actually talk to people, so I'll just post something on Insta instead." Sipping my coffee, I watch as Moni pulls out her laptop and assures me, "Okay, that works too. Just give me some time to write it and then I'll send it to you." I nod in agreement and reply, "Yeah, I'll talk to Nat. Have fun writing." With a sigh, I stand up and place my cup in the kitchen before making my way to Nat's room.

"Natty..." I knock on Nat's door, the sound echoing through the quiet hallway. I wait anxiously for a response, my heart pounding in my chest. "Yeah, come in," her voice drifts through the door. With a deep breath, I slowly turn the doorknob and push the door open, revealing Nat sitting on her bed, gazing out the window with a distant look in her eyes.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask softly, taking a few cautious steps into the room. Nat doesn't even turn to look at me. "Look... I know what the media said. If you're here to tell me 'I don't think this will work,' just do it, please," she says in a flat, emotionless tone that sends a shiver down my spine.

"N-no, that's not why I'm here. Actually, quite the opposite," I confess, my voice barely above a whisper. Nat's eyes widen in surprise as she turns fully towards me. "You're not here for that?" she asks softly, her voice tinged with hope. I shake my head, mustering up the courage to continue.

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