Wands help me!

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Vic POV:
(12th April 2021)

Nat and I have been hanging out a lot lately, watching movies and going to cafes, but we hadn't gone on an official date yet. Until Nat asked me out for today, and I agreed. She told me to dress casually, so I've been in my room for ages trying to find something to wear. I finally realize there's only one solution - I jump up and run out of my room.

"WANDS, I NEED YOUR HELP. LIKE RIGHT NOW!" I exclaim as I burst into her room. She shrieks and falls off her bed. "Sorry. Anyway, please help me," I beg her as she stands up. "With what?" she asks me. "Today is my first date with Nat... And I don't know what to wear," I whine, and Wanda grins. "Ahhh, okay, go, go, go," she rushes me out of her room, and we run back into mine where clothes are laying all over the floor. Wanda looks at me seriously, and I scratch my neck. "Yeah... I forgot about that..." I admit and sigh heavily.

"Alright, we can figure this out... somehow," Wanda sighs, scanning my room. "First things first, where are you going and what time?" she asks. "I don't know, she just said casual and she's picking me up at 3 pm," I reply, shrugging. Wanda nods thoughtfully. "Okay, so definitely something light because it's like hella warm," she suggests, holding up a pair of denim shorts. I hesitate before shaking my head. "No, I'm not feeling those. I don't even know why I bought them," I complain. "Hmm, okay. How about this dress then?" Wanda suggests, holding up another option. I shake my head once more.


"I swear we've been here for like 40 minutes, if you don't choose soon I'm leaving," Wanda threatened, her patience wearing thin. I grinned mischievously in response. "Okay, jeans skirt?" she asked, holding up two options. "That one," I pointed to the dark blue jeans skirt on the left. "Oh my goodness, finally," she exclaimed, tossing it over to me. Hastily, I pulled down my joggers, revealing the safety shorts underneath. I slipped into the jeans skirt and fastened the button before admiring it in the mirror. "I like it," I beamed, receiving a nod of approval from Wanda. "Okay, tops... What do you have?" she inquired urgently, realizing our time was running out. "Uhm... the last time I wore this skirt, I paired it with a black slim t-shirt. Let me find it," I muttered, looking through my pile of clothes to locate the desired top.
"FOUND 'EM!" I exclaim, holding up the perfect outfit excitedly. "Ok, great, put it on," Wanda urges me, and I quickly pull my shirt over my head, leaving me in my bra, and then put on the T-shirt. "Hot. I like it," Wanda compliments me, and I grin. "Okay, shoes... Oh, I'll go with my Converse, I love those!" I say, grabbing my pair of black Converse out of my closet. I put on some white socks and then add the Converse.

"Jewellery," Wands say's and snaps her hand before heading over to my collection of jewelry. She picks out a silver necklace, a few rings, and bracelets. I decide to keep my earrings and piercings the same but put on the rest of the jewelry before contemplating what to do with my hair. "I'm not sure what to do with my hair..." I confess to Wanda, who seems slightly annoyed that I can't make a decision. "Braids. They suit you and are simple," she suggests, and after some thought, I agree. Wanda helps me with simple braids and then touches up my natural makeup. "Oh my gosh, it's already 2:49 pm," I exclaim in shock as I see the time on the watch and jump up. I take a deep breath to calm myself down. It's just a date... with the woman I've had a crush on for two years...

"This looks so good, I need to post a fitcheck on my story" I grin and place my phone on a chair and then decide on a post for my story.

victoriasteel 7sec ago

victoriasteel 7sec ago

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