Girls night?

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Vic POV:
(30th March 2021)

Backstage, the girls immediately swarm me with hugs and congratulations. "CONGRATULATIONS!" Kate shrieks, and we embrace. Exhausted, I mumble, "I'm so fucking tired, can we just go home?" I quickly change back into my soundcheck outfit, eager to leave. "Okay, let's go!" I declare, and we head out.


Upon entering the living room, the lights suddenly flick on and confetti fills the air. I gasp in surprise and tears well up in my eyes as I see everyone gathered to celebrate my new album. Amidst the crowd, my focus is solely on Natasha. She's the first to hug me, whispering, "You were incredible on stage. I watched you from the crowd." I smile at her, mouthing a silent thank you as we part. Emotions overwhelm me, and I cover my face with my hands to hide my tears.

"Thank you all so much. I truly couldn't have done this without your support, even through my craziest ideas. Now, I'm living my dream life," I express, a mix of humor and joy in my voice. "Can I go to bed now? I'm exhausted," I chuckle, prompting laughter from the group. Wanda suggests a girls' night, and we all eagerly agree. Wanda and Kate are the first to hop into my bed, with Yel and I following suit. Natasha joins last, ensuring everyone is comfortable before we all snuggle up together. In moments, I drift off to sleep, feeling grateful for the love and camaraderie of my friends.
As I lay in bed with my friends, the glow of our smartphones casting a soft light in the room, I can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. The buzz of the night's events still lingers in the air, but now it's just us, unwinding and sharing in the quiet moments together. We all snuggle up together, our bodies intertwined in a cozy tangle of limbs and blankets. The warmth and closeness of my friends fill me with a sense of peace and belonging that I cherish.

As I close my eyes and feel the gentle rhythm of my friends' breathing, I know that no matter what challenges come my way, I have this incredible support system to lift me up and carry me through. And in this moment, surrounded by love and friendship, I drift off to sleep with a heart full of gratitude and joy.


(31 March 2021)
I awaken to a gentle touch on my chest, causing me to mutter a confused "What the fuck?" as I open my eyes to find Yelena's leg resting there. As I take in the sight of my friends sleeping, I notice Kate and Yelena snuggled close, with Yelena's arms draped over Wanda and her leg reaching out to me. Wanda is nestled on Kate, and Natasha is peacefully asleep nearby.

"Nat, wake up," I whisper to Natasha, who stirs and blinks sleepily. "What's up?" she murmurs. "How am I supposed to get up with this human puzzle we've become?" I hiss, and Natasha stifles a laugh as she surveys our tangled positions. "Don't laugh," I caution her. "Wait, I'll help you," she offers, rising from her spot at the edge of the bed. With care, she moves Yelena's leg off my chest, allowing me to sit up slowly without disturbing anyone. "You're a lifesaver, thank you," I giggle gratefully.

"I still can't believe 'Sour' is out," I exclaim in disbelief. "Well, you absolutely deserved it, darling. Come on, let's grab breakfast," Natasha encourages, extending her hand to me. A rush of butterflies flutters in my stomach as our hands touch, and she keeps hold of mine as we make our way to the kitchen.

Seated at the table, I pull out my phone to check for any activity on social media. "Oh my gosh, Nat, look at this!" I squeal excitedly, showing her the flood of positive Instagram posts celebrating the release of my album.

 "Oh my gosh, Nat, look at this!" I squeal excitedly, showing her the flood of positive Instagram posts celebrating the release of my album

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