tulips and hibiscus

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Vic POV:
(10th April 2021)

As Nat and I stroll along the busy streets, the colors of the flower shop catch my eye, drawing me in with its charming display of blooms. "Look at that flower shop, it's so cute!" I exclaim, my eyes sparkling with delight as I admire the various flowers.

Natasha chuckles at my enthusiasm as we make our way to my favorite coffee spot. "What are your favorite flowers?" she inquires, her curiosity piqued. I pause to consider her question, thinking over the many of options before settling on a choice. "Tulips, any color of tulips, you?" I ask, eager to learn more about her preferences. Without missing a beat, Natasha responds with a radiant smile, "I love hibiscus. It's so colourful." Her admiration for the exotic flower is cute, and I make a mental note. "And what about your favorite food?" I ask, shifting the conversation to another topic of interest. "Probably any Chinese food," Natasha replies without hesitation, her eyes lighting up at the thought of the food. I nod in approval, "If you could go anywhere, where would you choose?" Natasha asks the question, prompting me to think my dream destination. "Hawaii," I grin, envisioning the sun-kissed beaches and landscapes of the tropical paradise. As we continue our leisurely stroll towards the coffee shop, our conversation flows effortlessly, with each question revealing more about our likes and aspirations.

After a few minutes of engaging conversation, we finally reach the quaint coffee shop, its modern and sleek interior inviting us in. We scan the cozy space for a table by the window. Finding a perfect spot, we settle in, ready to enjoy our coffee and continue our delightful conversation in the comfort of this charming cafe.

"What do you want to order?" Nat asks about my order. "A Grande Skim Latte with two pumps of sugar-free vanilla," I reply. This drink from Castle has become my go-to favorite ever since I first tried it. Nat nods in understanding and heads to the counter to place our order. While waiting in line, I notice her scrolling through Instagram on her phone. I take the opportunity to capture some pictures of the charming cafe and snap a few selfies for my social media.

As Nat returns to our table with our drinks, I thank her and take a sip of my latte. The familiar, comforting taste of coffee mixed with the hint of vanilla instantly lifts my spirits.

"Do you want to go to the park after this?" Nat asks me, a excited twinkle in her eyes. "Oh yes," I reply eagerly, a wide grin spreading across my face. Nat chuckles at my enthusiastic reaction, her laughter filling the air. "I always see you scrolling through Instagram, you always look at posts, why don't you ever post?" I ask, genuinely curious about her social media habits. Natasha looked up, her eyes meeting mine, a hint of surprise flashing across her features. She paused for a moment, as if thinking her response. "I don't even know how to post, but I would if I could," she finally replied with a sheepish smile, her Russian accent adding a touch of charm to her words. "You're only two years older than me," I teased, a playful glint in my eyes. Natasha let out a soft laugh, her expression lightening up. "Well, I only got out of the academy at 17, so I didn't know anything about social media back then," she explained, a hint of embarrassment in her voice. I nodded in understanding, realizing that her life had been completely different from mine. "Can I teach you?" I offered, a spark of excitement in my voice. Natasha's eyes widened slightly in surprise before a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Sure, but I would need pictures and I don't have those," she responded, her tone playful yet sincere. I could sense her willingness to learn and explore new things, despite her initial hesitation. We continued our conversation over steaming cups of coffee, getting into various topics ranging from our favorite movies to our love for adventure.

After finishing our drinks, I reached for the bill, insisting on treating us both. Natasha protested lightly, but I waved her off. As we stepped out of the coffee shop, the fresh spring air greeted us, carrying the promise of a beautiful day ahead. Hand in hand, we made our way towards Central Park, the colours of spring blooming around us.

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