What was that?

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Vic POV:
(31 March 2021)

The food arrives, and Natasha finally removes her hand from my thigh, causing me to relax. I take a sip of my martini as everyone starts eating. "Hey guys, I'm here," Kate announces as she sits down. "Ahhh, finally," Yelena exclaims, and we all laugh. I signal a waiter to bring Kate a menu. "Hmm, guys, don't tell anyone, but I'm already working on new songs," I confess, eliciting cheers from my friends. "About your crush?" Nat inquires, and I almost choke on my food. "Uh, I, no. Well, yes," I admit quietly, causing her expression to falter momentarily before she puts on a fake smile. "Oooh, exciting, Vic," Wanda interjects, aware that Natasha is my crush. We chat for a bit before Kate places her order, and then the real gossip begins. I glance at Nat and notice her distant demeanor, inwardly scolding myself for mentioning my new songs. She couldn't possibly know that she's the person I'm writing about...

"Hey Wanda, when are you finally going to tell Vision you love him?" Kate interrupts my thoughts, pulling me back to reality. "Seriously, it's been like 6 months or something, just tell him already," Yelena chimes in, her accent becoming more pronounced with her excitement.

I chuckle and nod in agreement. "Come on, we can help you," I offer, with Peter nodding in agreement. But before I can say more, Wanda cuts in sharply, "First of all, Victoria, you have no right to talk. You haven't told your crush that you like her either. And secondly, if you won't do it, I won't either." Her words leave me stunned, and I quickly back down, "Okay, yeah, I'm gonna shut up." Wanda playfully points her fork at me and adds "You better", before we both burst out laughing.

Turning the attention away from me, Kate asks Peter if he likes anyone, and he shyly admits "There's this girl in my class her name's MJ" We all coo in response before Peter redirects the question to Natasha. My heart skips a beat as I wait for her response.

"Actually... Yeah, I do," Natasha admits, taking a sip of her martini with a small smile on her lips that fills me with warmth. The girls cheer, and Peter enthusiastically encourages her to confess her feelings. "YOU HAVE TO TELL HER!" he exclaims, clapping his hands. "Stop it, she doesn't feel that way about me," Nat laughs, and we stop our cheering. "Oh, come on, you guys are all boring fuckers who are too scared to confess your feelings to someone," Yelena declares a slight hint of annoyance peaking through before she boo's each of us playfully, almost making us feel embarrassed.

"Is there anything we can do to make it up to you?" I ask her, genuinely curious. Yelena thinks for a moment before shaking her head. "No," she says, taking a bite of her steak, and we all burst out laughing, the tension dissipating.

We continue our conversation while enjoying our meal, ordering more drinks and go full in on dessert. As the hours progresses, we all become a bit tipsy (except for Peter, of course), but it only adds to the fun and camaraderie shared among friends.


After eating lunch, I typically browse my social media to see my most recent post and possibly respond to any comments.

Posted 2h ago

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Liked by romanoffthereal, WandaMaximoff, YelenaBelova, KateBishop and 13

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Liked by romanoffthereal, WandaMaximoff, YelenaBelova, KateBishop and 13.873.209 others

victoriasteel lunch with my fav people. Let the gossip begin🤭
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SOURcream I need to know the gossip.
Gaydar please go live again
-- victoriasteel if I have time!!
Vici.aep Have fun girlll
(liked by creator)

"Who's covering?" Kate inquires. "I've got it," I reply, scanning the restaurant for a waiter. When I spot one, I signal for him to come over. "Could we have the check, please?" I request, noticing his lingering gaze. "Certainly, ma'am," he responds before stepping away. "He was totally checking you out," Peter remarks. "I know, but it's not like I'm straight or interested," I chuckle, feeling a bit tipsy.

As the waiter returns with the bill and slips me his number on a piece of paper, I roll my eyes and address him, "Please don't give me your number when my girlfriend is right here." He quickly apologizes, and I brush it off with a smile, settling the $196.72 tab with a $200 bill. "Thank you, ma'am," he says before departing. Natasha gives me a puzzled look "What?" I ask her "What was that?" She declares confused. "Oh, you mean the girlfriend act. I just wanted him to back off," I explain, a hint of irritation in my voice. Satisfied with my response, we leave the restaurant and head back to the Stark Tower.

Spotting a charming thrift shop, I express my excitement to browse inside. Wanda and Kate eagerly agree, while Peter appears less enthused about shopping. The sisters follow us silently as we explore the store. I find a white milkmaid top and a denim skirt that catch my eye. Showing them to the group, I ask for their opinions. "YES," Wanda exclaims, clapping her hands in approval.

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