Mr Rajput

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Vikram's pov
Today finally I was returning home... But I wanted to surprise them so I informed dadu he was really happy to know that and got involved in my plan.

Now was sitting in my flight.
I can't wait to see their faces.
I was really happy but had a strange feeling as if something was about to happen... But I ignored this thought as I took it as just nervousness and nothing else.

Finally my flight has landed and I am heading for a wedding function where my family is supposed to be present.
First I went into a room and changed into wedding attire when I heard door opening I turned to see to found dadu.
I went towards him and took his blessings.

"How are you dadu? I missed you a lot!! " I said to him

" God bless you my child! We all missed you a lot especially your ma! Now come they are waiting for their surprise." Dadu said and went outside.

All were standing outside.

"Vikram bhaiya!!!! Aap kab aaye ??" Kinjal said and hugged me , later the hug was joined by dimple, Kiran and adi.

"Bhai we missed you a lot!" Chillar party said together.

"Mee too idiots now leave me or you wanna kill me?" I said making them giggel.

Then I took blessings of elders and was about to touch ma's feet when she shifted back .

"What happened ma? Are you fine? " I asked.

" How can I be fine?? You didn't even think of me once ?? Why did you came this late? You know how much I missed you? How much worried I was? " She was in tears.

"Ohho ma I am so so so sorry! Will you please forget me? " I said while making sit ups.

"Ok ok fine now stand up! I don't want others to think that how poor I am " she said.

"Hmm.... Pushpa I hate tears!" I said trying to make her laugh which did worked!
But the next scene in front of my eyes took me in shock....
Am I seeing things? How can she be here?!!!.

" Oh ha Bhai meet kirti di!! She's a new member of the chillar party now!! " Adi said introducing her to me.

"And kirti di he's the most famous Vikram bhai about whom we used to talk! " Adi said to her whill she just looked at me in shock.

I extended my hand for a handshake and she eventually hold it.
"Vikram " I said while clutching her hand tightly .... My gaze never left hers but she was just staring at the floor biting her lip , I guess it's her thing to do when nervous.

" K-Kirti " she stammered.

" Come on Bhai! You are scaring her!!" Adi said .
She instantly went away from there leaving me with a list of unanswered questions.


Kirti's pov

The surprise which dadu wanted to present was none other than Mr handsome!!?
I was shocked but happy too to finnally meeting him again... My heart raced to see him and I wondered why he was here .
Only when I saw the chillar party hugging him and calling him Bhai.

Oh no! Have I been living with his.. my in laws the whole time?!! Shit! Now again he will miss understand me.

Aunty was really angry from him so he started doing sit ups! Oh god ... So Mr handsome can be childish too? .
Shit he saw me ... I couldn't handle his gaze so I looked down.
Adi introduced us and I know he was looking at me... Why can't he look somewhere else but me ?! While shaking his hand I felt pain as he was holding it very tightly and finally looked at him.
He introduced himself as it was our first meet and so I pretended too .

Then when I felt his grip loosened I escaped from there.

Hey Mata Rani what will I do now !!? I don't think I can stay here anymore I should be leaving.

After the function we all were about to leave but one driver was missing and we got to know that there was an emergency so he had to leave .
There were one each spot empty in each car so the chillar party went there while I was still figuring where to go.

" Kirti beta is it fine with you to go with Vikram? Actually these idiots are already in deep sleep so they are not going to wake any soon" aunty said while I just nodded.

I sat beside Mr rajput and he started driving.

" So... Now you involved my family too in this plan of yours?" He suddenly asked.

"N-No i-its n-not w-what you a-are thinking " I said... How can he think so bad of me.

"Oh please just stop this act of yours !" He shouted and stopped the car.
I was really scared.

Oh god what is gonna happen now?
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See you soon,
Thanks for reading 😊.

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