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Vikram's pov
I was standing outside her room wandering whether I should go or not.
I wanted to clear some things with her regarding my family and wanted to ensure that she isn't going to hurt someone but unfortunately I got late from office due to those stupid malfunction!

I was about to knock when she suddenly opened the door .
She was wearing a white night dress... Her hair were tied in a loose bun along with some baby hairs falling on forehead.... Her lips were red as always ... I wondered what they would have tasted.
I suddenly got out of my trance and saw her staring at my chest ... It somehow made me proud of my body and unconsciously a smirk escaped from my mouth.
" Done checking me out?" I said to her and soon she turned red .

Gosh this view was so entertaining, but she's just a gold digger and I can't ignore that just because of her beauty.

I again formed a strict face and decided to move inside as she was just standing there freezed.

I don't know why I said so harsh words to her, it was clearly visible in her face that she was hurt and her tears would have flowed any time .
I was moving forward when she was about to fall but thankfully I catched her on right time.

She was in my arms and it was the best feeling I ever felt .
My hands were on her waist,
Her on my chest, our lips were too close that a single moment and I will be ruining her mouth.

Gosh this was a strange feeling, I just couldn't control myself when I am near her.
But then I noticed something on her neck and with curiosity removed her neck and found the mangalsutra on her neck which I tied few months back.

It made me too angry... I guess she again fooled me... I accused her while she was just too hurt that her tears now started flowing.
I couldn't see that and in anger punched my hand in the mirror.

" Mr Rajput! Have you got insane?! " She shouted on me.
It was unbelievable... Till now she couldn't even speak properly and now she was scolding me?1
She suddenly went to washroom and returned with a first aid.

When I refused her she pushed me on her bed.
God I swear if it was someone else then that person would have been killed by me but this girl ....

Suddenly I felt burn on my hand and bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming.

She suddenly started blowing on it which somehow relieved the pain.
But now a different feeling was there.... Was she caring for me??

Did I really misunderstood her?!
I was feeling guilty and really wanted to trust her.

"It's done" she said .

"Uhmm .... Thanks! " I said.
While she just nodded ... Then she was going to clean the pieces of glasses but I pulled her towards me,

" Are you mad? What if you get hurt? Ask the servants tomorrow and they will clean it tomorrow! " I said in anger.

She was just too shocked but then nodded towards my direction.
"Urmm...... Mr Rajput.. m-my hand" she said nervously.

I couldn't understand but then she signalled to her hand which I was holding.

" Sorry! I should be leaving now... It's very late! " I said and got out of there. Was I ?  Vikram Rajput well known for his rude, dominating and scary nature was getting nervous around a girl?! Gosh I should consult a doctor.

Next morning,
I went for breakfast, everyone were already present there having chit chat while my whole concentration was on that single person who didn't even glanced at me once... It somehow hurted me and I lost my appetite.

"I am leaving! " I said abruptly.
She still didn't looked at me.

" Are you fine Bhai? " Adi asked.

" None of your concern " I replied... Why was I being so rude.

I left from there.

In office

Was she ignoring me? But why would she?? I was lost in my thoughts but vikrant interrupted..

" Sir?!!! Are you fine?!!" He asked.

" What? Ya I am" I said.

"Well I have been calling you since five minutes so thought.... Anyways did you called me" he asked.

"Ya I want you to find every single detail of kirti Singhania asap !  And I swear if anyone gets to know about this then I'll thrash your bones into pieces and feed you to dogs ! " I said in a scary tone while he gulped hard and rushed out of there.

Today as I wasn't able to concentrate properly.... I decided to leave early for home.

At home
  As usual chillar party was arguing over something when they got shocked to see me as if I were a ghost... I couldn't handle it anymore,
"What? " I asked.

" Bhai are you really here?? But how? " Adi asked .
While others including elders too just stared at me.

" Beta is everything fine??  Are you not well" ma came towards me and touched my forehead.

" Come on ma not you too ! So what if I came early? " I said earning laugh from others.

" Hmm.... Well that's really nice!! Khair how did this happen? " Dadi asked me .

" Vo .... Actually I wanted to spend some time with you all " I said in a childish voice.... But the actual reason was just to see her .... But where the hell was she?

" Ha ha Bhai nice joke " kinjal said while others chuckled.

I gave all of them a death stare.

" Oh God ! I totally forgot... Today Kevin ( our driver ) is on leave and it's almost time for kirti to return! She must be waiting. " Ma said.

" Ma today no one is available due to worker's holiday!
Shall I go with a cab? But that will also take a lot of time! " Adi said .

"Ma give me her location! I will pick her up!.... I mean it's not safe  right now " I said trying to sound normal.
Ma agreed and I left.

After half an hour I reached and the next moment made me angry.

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