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Kirti's pov
It's been a week after that incident...
Mr Rajput and I have been away from each other or I can say that I have been ignoring him.... I do breakfast after he goes to office and returns to my room before he comes .

And it has been working well... No more arguments although I miss him, his touch, his chocolaty eyes, lips... Ahh here it goes again!!

" Would you stop thinking of him again!! " I scowled on myself.

Well there's nothing wrong to think about your husband....

Who doesn't accept you as your wife? .. my subconscious mind said.

Today I was feeling low.. so I stayed in my room now it was night and I decided to sleep.

I changed into my night dress .... As usual my white kurta.

In mid night,
I felt an unbearable pain at my lower abdomen and back.

" Aahhhhhhh ..... My stomach " I was in too pain.

I sat on the bad and switched on the night lamp.

Oh no! I guess I have got my periods!!
I hate them... Everytime I get the worser cramps .

I quickly went to the bathroom and changed into my black kurta as I had got stain on my clothes .

Oh godd!! I just hate this ! I was on my verge on crying,, I was feeling too nauseous.

" I will have to bring heating pad" I thought and went to the kitchen.
It was too tough to walk but somehow I managed.

" Ab heating pad kaha PE hai !! " I cried in pain .
( Now where is the heating pad)

I was finding it when suddenly a second wave of cramps hit me and everytime it gets worser due to that pain I sat on the kitchen floor holding my stomach and now tears were rolling down my cheeks.

" Kirti..... What happened? Are you hurt?? " Suddenly Mr Rajput came and he looked worried.

Now what shall I say to him.

" N-No ... I . I c-came here to fill bottle... But by mistake it fall so I was just picking it up" I tried to lie but I knew that I wasn't successful in doing so .

" Why are you lying kirti? Tell me what happened!" He again said.

" N-Nothing " I said and tried to stand but suddenly fall again due to pain.
" Aahhhh.. " I cried and I burst into tears .

"Kirti!" Mr Rajput sat on his knees and hold my wiping my tears and rubbing my back .
" Tell me na what happened?! Please I can't see you like this! Please Jaan " he said .... Wait did he just called me Jaan? Well right now I couldn't focus on that.

" I... I ... Got my periods" I said in my sobs as my pain started increasing.

" you need heating pad right? " He asked while I could just nod due to embarrassment.

" Come I have one in my room" he said while I hesitated.
Without waiting for my reply he picked me up in bridal style and carried me to his room.

" Mr Rajput... Leave me" I said while patting his chest.

" Kirti... Stop wiggling" he said while still I continued.

" But Mr Rajput...." I again said but his words made me silent.

" Mrs Rajput stop doing that! I swear if one more word then I am gonna kiss you so hard that you won't be able to speak for next couple of hours" he said .

I went silent to which he smirked.

Soon he layed me on his bed and again I got a cramp.

"Aaah " I scowled and curled my knees till my stomach, hands on it.

" Wait for a while I will be returning soon " he said and left .
I just couldn't control but cry .
Now I was feeling very nostalgic and my mood swings were at their maximum.

"Here" Mr Rajput came with a heating pad and I took it and placed on my stomach without thanking him as right now I wasn't in my senses.

" Are you in a lot of pain ? " He asked while I nodded.

Suddenly I felt him massaging my back, hands, legs and everywhere else.... Though I should have stopped him but instead I stayed silent and it was providing me relief and I don't know when but my eyelids felt heavy and I closed my eyes and slept like that...

After a while I felt him moving and I don't know why but I hold his hand and said

" Please..... Stay with me " my eyes were still shut and I wasn't completely in my senses but his body's warmth provided me comfort.

" I am not leaving you Jaan " he said, kissed my forehead and hugged me from behind and then I slept again...... I was aware that I am gonna regret all of this but at the moment I just wanted to be with him ..... I his arms .

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