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Vikram's pov
I just finished a business call with a foreign client and now I was returning for my room.

It was midnight... Till now I was sitting in my balcony.
While returning I wondered whether she would have slept or not? We haven't talked since ages .

Well ofcourse it's my fault... I misunderstood her ! .
" How the fuck can you be such a moron Vikram!" I regretted.

I was thinking all this when I heard some noise from the kitchen .
I went there and found her sitting on the floor holding her stomach.

I got worried on seeing her like that and thought that she got injured somewhere... I rushed to her.

" Kirti..... What happened? Are you hurt?? " I asked bending towards her.

Well as usual she tried to hide her feelings and lied.. but she isn't good in that and tried to stand but again fall and winced in pain
Now this made me worried as hell!

I hold her .. she was crying! I rubbed her back, wiped her tears and again asked her .
But this time I requested her and even called her Jaan!
Shit! It was a nickname which I gave her but it was supposed to be secret .

But it somehow worked and she told me that she was on her periods.
Ooh she must be for the heating pad as I have seen my sisters and ma using it... Well luckily I had one in my room.

I told her to come in my room.
But she denied.
Oh God! This girl.... She is in a poor state and yet is declining to take help!

I had no other option so I picked her up myself and walked to my room .

On my this action she shrieked my name and was wiggling a lot.
I told her to stop moving but she didn't.
" But Mr Rajput...." She said
Gosh whenever she calls me like that something happens to me... I don't know but I feel strange.
I wondered what my name would sound like from her mouth.

" Mrs Rajput stop doing that! I swear if one more word then I am gonna kiss you so hard that you won't be able to speak for next couple of hours" I said... I had to cause this was the only way to shut her otherwise she will end in waking everyone .

I could her her heartbeats beating fast now... She stopped wiggling.... I couldn't help but smirked on my effect on her.

Soon I layed her on my bed and she again winced .... I brought the heating pad and placed it on her stomach.

She was still too uncomfortable and I decided massaging her .

After a while I found her sleeping peacefully.

God I hated to her like that earlier.... I have seen the ladies of my house in pain but they don't get I'll this much!
Maybe because she's too weak and I don't want her to face any problem so I decided to take her to a doctor tomorrow myself cause she surely not gonna go by herself .

I was trying to get up from the bed when she mumbled

" Please stay ... " She said.

It melted my heart.... A smile crept on my face.

" I am not leaving you Jaan " I said and kissed her on her forehead.
Why? I don't know maybe to comfort her? Nah! Now I was sure that I have developed some sort of feelings towards her .

I joined her on the bed and back hugged her and she finally slept again.

Hello 👋🏻👋🏻 how are you all??
Did you liked the chapter?? Let me know.
Sorry I was really busy so couldn't write much this time.... Will make up next time with double updates....... 💜

Bella ciao 😉

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