A new beginning!

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Kirti's pov
I opened my eyes slowly and found myself lying on a bed.
I was in hospital!
But why? I saw kinjal sitting beside me.
She was sleeping. I tried to sit but felt pain in my body and a squeal left my mouth... " Uhh"

Kinjal suddenly got up .
" Di! Finally you woke up!
How are you feeling di? Are you fine? Is it paining a lot? Wait I'll call the doctor" she said and was about to go but I held her by her hand and stopped her.

" N-No... I am fine .. just a little weak" I said and she nodded.

She called dimple and told her about me.

After two minutes everyone came my room.
Dadaji, dadiji, uncle aunty, adi, dimple and him .

On seeing his face I recalled our conversation of the room after which I fainted.

" Kirti beta!! How are you feeling ha? " Aunty asked.

" F-Fine aunty.... But you all shouldn't have come here" I said.

" Dadaji.. Dadiji.... Please go home.. I don't want you to fall sick.... And aunty, uncle you too please! Kinjal told me that I have to stay here for two days but please you all go home" I said.

" Are beta what are you saying? We are fine! But ya you for sure made us worried!" Dadaji said.

" Who told you to take this much stress ? Next time instead come to me and let it all out!" Dadiji scold me and smiled slightly.

" Ma. Papa she is saying right you should go home... Children you all also should have some sleep.... Abhimanyu, bhabhi you both also go and take them with you... Me and Seema will stay here with her" Kabir uncle said.

" Uncle, there is no need for you both to stay .... I am fine!" I said but seema aunty glared at me.

" No one is going to stay.... Ma... Papa you take everyone home with you and I will stay here with you.... And now no more discussion ... She also needs rest ... And it's already too late you should proceed" Mr Rajput said and everyone nodded.

Soon everyone bid their goodbye to me but the words from adi left me shocked.

" Bhabhi take care we will return soon!
And if Bhai troubles you than tell me!" He winked and left.

While I looked at Mr Rajput in shock.
He understood me I guess and sat beside me.
He caressed my head but I removed it from my head.

" I am sorry biwi Jaan!
I know I have hurt you a lot .... But it's my promise to you that I will make everything right!
There's no need to trust me yet!
And about adi calling you bhabhi.... Yes they all now know that we are married!
U told them!
I know you can't accept me but you didn't even left me!
And I know you already think of them as your family so atleast can accept ma and papa as your parents? My siblings as your siblings? Chacha Chachi as your chacha Chachi?
Can you let dadaji dadiji have you as their daughter for real?
Will you give my .... Your family this honour?
They all have already accepted you!

Plus I am not saying that accept me yet! You have whole right to be mad on me.. hate me!
But please kirti don't leave me!
I can't live without you! They can't now too!" He said and I can see tears in his eyes.

I didn't want to believe in any of his words nor I wanted to give him a chance.
But he had a point.
I couldn't leave him.
I considered him as my husband and always will .... And ya now his family had become my family too!
And nothing would had made me more happy than to call them as my own family!
I will have a mother!
Father, sisters, brother!

I felt too emotional on this that I didn't knew when I started crying.
I felt him rubbing my back and so I looked at him.
He was smiling at me.

" You know this all can be true!
Just please say yes!! Don't leave me please.... I swear I will not hurt you again! Please kirti not for me but for you! For your family!" He said.
I didn't realised but I just nodded unconsciously.

He hugged me as he got super happy... For a while I was also lost in his arms seeking comfort.

" M-Mr Rajput... L-LEAVE me!" I said and he released me.

" Thank you kirti!.... Thank you so much!
I promise you won't regret it!!" He said.

" Ok you should have some rest! " He said, kissed my forehead and went towards the sofa .

His actions made me nervous but I smiled slightly.

This feeling was too good!
I no longer have to hide my wedding symbols! My status!
I don't have to lie anymore!

I was thinking all this and didn't knew when I get into deep slumber.

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