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Kinjal's pov
" I - I ...." I couldn't find any words due to this close proximity between us!
Suddenly he bent towards my left ear and whispered
" You what Jaan?" He said and slightly bit my earlobe which sent shivers down my spine, I felt my knees weaken so I gripped his shoulders tightly.

" Mr Rajput!" I moaned loudly as kissed my neck.

" Hmm" he hummed.

" P-please let me speak" I said so that he would leave but instead he sat on the bed with me on his lap and once again snuggled himself in my neck.

" I am not stopping you Jaan!
You can speak like this!" He said in a dominating voice.

" Vo.. I- I came here to t-thank yo- mmhhhh " I was cutted off in between as he licked my earlobe.

" Uff Jaan, stop making these noises! I might lose my control" he said seductively.

Now I have had enough!
I want to know his feelings for me! I just can't again fall in love with him just to get hurt later.

" Mr Rajput I need to talk" I said in a strict tone.

To which he understood and left me suddenly and placed on the bed beside him .

" Tell me Jaan? What is bothering you?" He asked.

" Why are you doing this?" I asked finally.

" Doing what?" He asked.

" Pretending like a caring and loving husband? Why do you keep calling me Jaan? " I said.

" Pretending? It's all genuine Jaan!
I know I did very bad with you earlier!
I am sorry! Please forgive this duffer husband of yours!
I misunderstood you even when you were not at fault!
Then I mistreated you, but trust me! I really want to give this relationship a chance! Please Jaan? Can you give me one more chance?" He said while looking at my eyes , holding my hands.

His words felt good to listen but still I was angry but more than thay hurt.
I just can't trust him.
Morely I am scared that what if in future again he misunderstood me ? I just don't want to give him a chance, thinking all this my tears started flowing as all the feelings which he gave me till now again started flashing.

He shaked me out my thoughts.
" Kirti! Why are you crying?" He asked.

" You really don't know?!
Obliviously because of you!
How can you even think that I will be able to trust you?
Do you think I am a toy?
Which can entertain you whenever you want?!!
Are my feelings nothing to you? Do you know how much hurt I was? You left me there all alone! Didn't even bothered to listen to me! What if something would have happened to me? You left me there alone that too at night ... Just to get molested and harassed by some boys?
For all these months I kept struggling... I always thought about you!
To find you! But how could I have? But then suddenly we met again and again a hope risen within me that maybe now y would listen to me.. but what did you did??
Again misjudged me! Infact you raised questions on my character! But still I kept begging and didn't said anything! And now you think that you will say a sorry and I will be able trust you?" I poured  my heart out .. all the things and thoughts which I have kept under me ... Today I let it all out .

I stand up on the bed and was about to go but I felt dizzy and fainted.

Vikram's poz
She let out all her thoughts, anger, frustration everything on me today!
I felt so bad and angry on myself as I have hurted her too badly.
And about gaining her trust... She's right I don't deserve it!

Till these months I too kept regretting that atleast I shouldn't have left her there all alone.
Wait... Harassed? She got harassed by someone?
What the fuck!
I need to find that bastard! Gosh I hope nothing bad have happened with her but it's not the correct time to ask .
I was feeling so helpless... She was clearly too hurt and I couldn't do anything.

But now I take this as my responsibility to again gain her trust!
I will now make everything right!
I will prove myself to her! I will pay for my deeds!
Don't worry Jaan I will improve everything and will make you fall for me !

I was thinking all this when she suddenly stand but she fainted and was about to fall but I hold her on time.

"Kirti!" I screamed in fear.

"Kirti wake up! Shit we need a doctor" I hurriedly wore my clothes and carried her in my arms and went downstairs .

Everyone was sitting there and got shocked to see us like that.

" Vikram? Why are you carrying kirti like that? Wait kirti!! What happened to her?" Ma came and asked worriedly

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" Vikram? Why are you carrying kirti like that? Wait kirti!! What happened to her?" Ma came and asked worriedly.

Everyone stood and came towards me .

" Kirti di!! Bhai what happened to her? Till now she was fine! I even took her to the doctor as you told!" Kinjal said.

" I don't know she just fainted!
Did she had her medicine?! " I asker her to which she nodded .

" Doctor? Medicine?... What are you both talking about?" Ma asked us

" Ma we don't have time for this right now! I have take her to the hospital!" I said and went outside.

Fuck I forgot the car keys.

" Bhai keys!" Adi came running to me with the keys.

I took them and laid kirti on the backseat.

" I am here Jaan!" I whispered to her .

Adi sat beside me and I started driving.

" Bhai what happened to kirti di?
And what were you and kinjal talking about?" Adi asked.

" Adi don't worry! She will be fine!" I explained him everything.

We reached the hospital and took her to the doctor.

Till now everyone came.
" Vikram... How's she? " Ma asked.

Suddenly doctor came

" Nothing is to worry about! It just she is weak and took a lot of stress.
You should take proper care of her, ensure to give her proper meals as she's malnutrition and the most important please don't give her too stress otherwise this time it was just a mild panic  attack but later It could be something else ." Doctor said and left.

" Vikram what happened to her suddenly? How did you got to know that she was sick?
And panick attack? Don't tell me that you are responsible for it!!" Ma was very furious and worried for kirti .

Shall I tell her about our relationship? Will she accept it?

Hello my cutie patuties !! ❤️
How are you all?
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Love you 🤟🏻😘
Stay happy 😄.

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