Heartfelt confessions

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Vikram's pov

I am feeling too pissed right now!! How can someone do this to their own family!! And how dare they treat my Jaan like this!! I am not gonna leave them but first I have to handle her .

I was trying to be calm, but the moment when she asked me to leave her and marry another woman it hit me somewhere, I lost my control and slammed my lips on her to stop saying.

I hovered over her on bed and kissed her wild and rough.

" How dare you even think of me leaving you?!! I can't even see my life without you! And you are asking me to marry some other woman?
Will you be ok? Will you survive if I did so?" I said and as expected she didn't responded.

I continued, " and don't you ever listen or believe to things what others say! Just believe me when I say that you are the most precious and perfect thing that could ever happen to me!" I said

" B-But Vikram ji..... Please.. you deserve much better!
I am nothing compared to what you can have! Vi-" how dare she say that!!

I cutted her in between.

" Do you think I am mad??
Won't I know what I want and what not?
Do you have any idea how much desperate you make me huh??
Let me show you " I said and now started kissing her again.

My hands were roaming on her body.

I bit her sweet point .

" V-Vikram ji.." she moaned.

I started sucking at that point to ease the pain...

Then again my lips caught her lips, without wasting any time I bit her lower lip to which she opened them and I entered my tongue inside her mouth.

Now I was devouring her wildly .

I opened her pallu and placed wet kisses on her shoulder,

I removed the pallu and now her cleavage was on a perfect view.

" I want you to look at me while I punish you " I ordered to her and started kissing her cleavage.

" Uhhhh.... Vikram ji... Aaah" she moaned.

She had clutched my hair in her hands and was pushing me closer to her .

This was driving me crazy.
Anger and passion both has taken over me.

I now started dropping kisses on her bare waist, stomach.
Then again found my way to her lips.


Kirti's pov
He was kissing me so wildly that I forgot everything, every insecurity I had.

He was kissing hell out of me.

He removed my pallu and kissed on my shoulders.

Then he looked at my cleavage.
"I want you to look at me while I punish you!" He said and sucked , bite , kissed so hard on my cleavage that I moaned so loudly.

I clutched his hair in my hand and pulled him more closer.

The feelings that he was giving me were so strong and were driving me crazy.

Now again he started kissing me at my lips...

" Look in my eyes kirti! Tell me what do you see??" He said and made me sit on his lap.
I didn't answered

" Hopefully this much enough to prove it!" He said and got up.

" Vikram ji" I said but he ignored me.

" Vikram ji sorry!" I again said but he ignored me.

I got up and hugged him tightly, now I was sobbing.
" V_ik_ram ji I-I am s_orry.... Pls don't l_ea_ve me" I said out of fear that due to my this stupid insecurity he will really leave me.

"Hey.... Bacha don't cry!! I am never leaving you! Its just I am kind of upset that you didn't even trust on me " he said.

" Will you now again ask me to leave you? Do you still think that I don't need you?
Bacha please never, ever think that you are not enough... You are perfect! You are like oxygen to an organism! A key to a lock!
Torch to a dark room! And freakin everything to me!!!

So please bache don't , please don't think so low of yourself every again... It hurts me, please " he said.

I regretted my words earlier, he was really hurted.
He really loved me a lot, his actions and words both made them sure .

I hugged him tightly.
" I am sorry.... I will never again say that! I love you Vikram ji!
I love you a lot! I said that out of fear! But now I know that nothing is gonna happen.. I know you will never let anything happen!

You have become my life too Vikram ji! You have given me a new hope, thank you Mr Rajput for giving me a chance! For loving me this much!
It's just because of you that I could have experience these feelings. Feelings of being cared, of being wanted.

I am thankful to Mata Rani that I got married to you! Because of her only today I have someone like you in my life, a sweet and caring family, a mother who's love is so pure, siblings and cousins who make us happy and will always support,  father who will always be there to provide shelter, chachi chachu to spread sweetness, and dadi dadu who's blessings will  always be there for us!

I don't know why did that man forced us to marry but I am really grateful to him too!
It's like we were meant to be together! Vikram ji you are like a saviour who has come to my rescue! A lifesaver  in water, an ointment to injury and a person who I can call mine ."

I confessed my feelings to him.
This was the right moment.
I don't care about anything now, the thing that matters is him!
He had become the purpose, the reason for my life!
I don't see my future without him .

We both kept hugging for minutes. It felt safe in his arms .

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Only If you feel like 😊.

I love you all a lot  ♡♡

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