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Hello guys 🤗.. thnx for your love and as promised here is your double update!! Enjoy.

And to earn next part the target for votes is 20.....
Let's see will you be able to get next part soon or not.... Well it's upto you then,
Bella ciao.

Kirti's pov
After yesterday's events I was too hurt and I really don't have any more strength left to justify myself and so I decided to ignore him to prevent any misunderstandings... This way I will not get hurt.

At breakfast he came late and I can feel that he was looking at me but I didn't dared to look at him.

Today there was an extra class so I had to go to attend it.
It was from 3-6 pm.
I went with Kevin and he left after dropping me .

Oh god today's class was so exhausting and I was dying with hunger.

It was 5:50 and I was waiting for Kevin... God where was he ? My phone was dead too so I decided to wait there.

It have been 6:30 !! Have he forgot? I decided to ask someone for phone.

I was moving when a group of guys came near me.

" Hey beautiful! Where are you going? Do you want a ride ? " One of them said.

"We can have some drinks you know?!" Other said.

" Such a nice body you have " third one commented while whistling.

I was feeling unsafe with them so I just decided to walk away.

" Where do you think you are leaving? " First one said while looking at me with lust.

" P-Please l-leave me " I said in fear .

" Come on baby doll.... Tust me you are gonna enjoy it..... " He forced me by dragging me with my dupatta.

I was trying to release myself from his fold but it was of no help.

Suddenly I was pulled behind, my  back collided with someone's chest and it felt familiar...

"Hey man... She's ours ! Leave her" that boy said and I turned to see Mr Rajput! I felt relieved but emotional at the same time and tears left my eyes.

" Oh really? Well you have got some wrong idea cause she's mine and I don't like to share... So just get away from my sight or else.... " He roared on them .

" Or else?!! Ha ha.... Come on don't be greedy! Let's do a deal... Just let me have her for an hour then " he was cutted in between by a punch from Mr Rajput.

" How dare you talk like that about her! " Mr Rajput was very angry and belated them aggressively.

He was almost about to kill him when I said...
" Mr Rajput please" I hold his hand with tears in my eyes and he left them and took me with him in the car .

I was too overwhelmed from earlier... Hundreds of thoughts were going on in my mind.
What if he hadn't arrived before? What if they had took me? What if I wouldn't be able to show my face again to anyone?
Tears were formed on my eyes and I was trying hard to stop them.

Suddenly he hold my hand.
I looked towards him while he focused on the road.

"You are safe kirti! I wouldn't have happened anything to you! Stop overthinking! I am here with you " he said with genunity in his eyes.

The tears which I have been holding till now betrayed me and I burst into tears.

Suddenly he stopped the car and hugged me.... I don't know why but somehow it felt safe and I hugged him back .
We stayed like that for about 10 minutes.

Vikram's pov

Gosh thank God I reached there on time .
It really made me angry how can they say something like that about her?!!
No one has any right on her except me!!
And I will protect her from everything no matter what.

U don't why but maybe because now she has become happiness of my family.

I was about to beat them more but she stopped me... She looked scared and and so I calmed myself and took her with me .

She have been sitting silent.... And I knew what she would be thinking.

I need to do something.
I hold her hand and stopped the car as she finally let her emotions out.
We hugged each other
... She was deeply hurt and it hurted me too to see her like that.

After a while she wasn't crying anymore... I saw her and found her sleeping silently in my arms.
Her tear had dried and eyes were all  puffy and red.

I couldn't take her home like this..... Otherwise everyone would be worried and also I don't think that she wanna tell today's incident to anyone so I decided to take her with me in our penthouse which was near the lakeside.

I informed ma that she had already left with her friend at her house and would be staying there for studying and that there was some important work left for which I will be late too.

Soon we reached the penthouse and I picked her up in bridal style as I didn't wanted to wake her up as she must be tired due to today's incident.

I wondered that if she ate anything cause she weighted lighter than a feather.

I putted her on bed in the guest room and went to freshen up.

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