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Kirti has been sleeping since 2 hours and now it was 10 in night.
When she woke up

Kirti's pov,
" Where am I ? This is not my room" I was confused and then recalled everything.
I was still feeling low die to that but I have to leave.
I gathered myself and went out of the room .

When I went outside a sound from downstairs got my attention and I went there.
I saw a spacious Lobby which looked breathtaking.... The big glass walls, dim lightings.... L shaped sofas along with a centre table... I was walking further... When heard voice from a room which I assumed to be kitchen and went there.

There I found Vikram making something which smelled so nice.
On seeing him I recalled the moment when he hugged me and how perfect he handled me ... I felt safe in his arms and didn't even got to know when slept.

" Kirti... Kirti.... Kirti!! " He shouted.

" Y-Yes?! " I suddenly got out of my thoughts.

" Where were you lost?? Anyways how are you feeling now?" He asked coming towards me.

" F-Fine " I said moving backwards until my back collided with wall.

He lift my face gently with his fingers on my chin.
" Are you hurt anywhere" he asked making my hurt flutter... Why are you doing this to me Mr Rajput?!

"N-No .... Where a-are we?" I asked trying to calm myself and divert the topic.

" In my penthouse" he answered while moving towards the gas .

" B-But why ?" I asked after a long silence.

" Because you weren't presentable that time " He said .

" Oh .... Um but wouldn't they be worrying about us?" I asked .

" I told them that you will be staying at your friend's house and I at the office due to work " he said with his whole concentration on the pasta which he was making. Oh god it's my favourite!.

" Mr Rajput" I said after gathering a lot of courage.

" Hmm.." he just hummed and yet I was getting nervous.

" T-Thanks" I said which made him look at me .

" If you wouldn't have reach there at time ..... They would have.....I ..... " I couldn't even think of what unholy incident would have taken place ... Again I was feeling broken and was lost in my thoughts when felt a hand on my shoulders.

"But I am with you.... And I promise that nothing is gonna happen to you!" He said and it provided me comfort to hear such sweet words.

"Aren't u hungry ? I have made pasta!" He said while serving me along with his plate.
I just nodded and gave him a smile before taking a bite.

"Mmmmm..... It's so tempting" unknowingly a moan escaped from my mouth making him smirk .

" Just like you" I heard him saying that and doubted whether I heard it right or wrong.

"What?" I asked.

" Nothing" he said.

After having our meal we went towards the lobby.

" I'll be in my office if you need something just call me ..." He said and left.

I wasn't sleepy so I scrolled through social media.
I was feeling thirsty so I decided to make coffee.
It was 1 and he still was in his office.. I decided to make one for him too.

Soon I went to his office and knocked on the door twice.
Getting no response I entered inside.

It was a spacious office with dim lights, black and white theme just like his clothes.... Oh god I can't understand his obsession with black.

The next moment took me in awe... He was sleeping peacefully while resting his head on the table.
He looked so cute at that moment completely different from the Mr Rude I knew.
( Mr Rajput, Mr Rude, Mr handsome= nicknames given by kirti to Vikram)

I kept the coffee on the table not wanting to disturb him ..... I covered him with a blanket, removed his socks and shoes and put his legs on the puffy near, switched off the lights and went in the room where he layed me earlier.


After putting her on bed I came downstairs.
What is happening to me?
I have started caring for her.. I ... I felt really hurt to see her crying.
Thank God I was there on time.
I feel really bad for my behaviour towards her earlier... I guess I really did misunderstood her, what if she was innocent from the very starting and I was bein an aashole for no reason?

I regretted everything.... And now I knew just one thing, that I have to make everything right.

I thought to make her pasta as she might be hungry and also I knew that it was her favourite.. how? Well sometimes adi's rantings comes to use!

I started preparing it when she came downstairs.... Worry displayed on her face.
After some time I was calling her name but she wasn't answering, this made me more worried.

After some chit chat and a consoling session I served her pasta.
When she ate it .. a moan escaped from her mouth.
Shit! This made me crave her more ... Currently I just wanted to take her in deep kiss and make her moan for me.
I shook my head getting out of these dirty thoughts.

" Just like you" I said that but regretted it later .
Thankfully she didn't heard it I guess.

After our meal we walked to the lobby .
I had some important work to finish... So I informed her about it and went.

I didn't wanted to update but how can I hurt the poor souls which have been supporting me from the start 💞.... So just for their sake I am updating.

Kya yaar guyz itna bhi kya narazgi mujhse Jo meri Khushi k liye vote bhi nhi kar sakte ?
Itni nafrat hai kya ?🥺

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