Doctor visit

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Kirti's pov
Oh god!... Why is he caring so much for me .... Mr Rajput aap please Aisa na kare!
Kahi main aapse pyaar na kar baithu..

I was thinking all this.
After feeding me he went for his office.. and here my mind is stuck on him!

No kirti this can't be happening! You have to know your limits!
He is just treating you nicely! But that doesn't means he has a soft corner for you.

But then what about the close moments between us?
Did he meant those words?
Would he have really kissed me yesterday?

Knock! Knock!
Come in , I said while adjusting my duppata.

" Di.... Can you go to hospital with me?" Kinjal asked coming to me.

" H-Hospital?!! What happened?
Are you fine? Is somebody sick?
Tell me!!" I asked her.

" Areh ... Di relax! Everyone's fine... It's just I caught cold yesterday!... Aanchoo!
So I wanted to take medicines.... 
But everyone seemed to be busy .." she said.

Well it felt quite weird.. as by morning she was completely fine!
But still I gave her a small smile and nodded.

" Great! We'll go in about 30 minutes!" She said and left.

-- Time skip --
We were now in the hospital.
" Umm.. kinjal.. I guess you have got a wrong appointment!" I said as we were standing out of a gynecologist cabin.

" No di! We aren't.... We are here for you!" She said which made me shocked .

"What? B-But why?" I asked .

" Oh di don't pretend now!
I got to know from ma that you weren't well!
Infact you even didn't came for the breakfast.... And I have been noticing it for months that each time it gets worser for you!
So I wanted to make sure you are fine!"
She said... It made me feel emotional due to her concern regarding my health.

" Uff di!
Now don't you cry!
And ya you will have to once consult the doctor and no more arguments please!!" She said with puppy eyes but yet their was some dominance in her voice just like Mr Rajput... Oh god why am I thinking about him.

" Di?" She called out my name by shaking me out of my thoughts.

" Ok ok, I will " I said .

Soon we returned home after consulting the doc... She prescribed me some medication and told me to take rest and most importantly.... I have been told to increase my diet!
Oh come on now... I am fine like this!
I feel like vomiting whenever forced to eat more than I desire.

We reached home and aunty came to us asking.
" Where are you both coming from?"

"S-Shopping!" I lied... I can't let kinjal tell her truth.

" Then where are your shopping bags?" Shit! Why do I suck this much in lying?!

" Uff ma! We are so tired... You know we visited many shops but the dress which I wanted wasn't available currently!
Because of me poor kirti di had to suffer!" Kinjal said that for me.

Then aunty nodded and left.

" Di Why did you lied to ma?" She asked me out of curiosity.

" Because I ... I didn't wanted her to worry for such a small thing" I said nervously.

" Ohho di! It's not a small thing!
You have to take care of yourself!
Anyways now take rest! And don't you skip any medicine... I will keep a check!" She said and left.

They all cares for me and loves me a lot too!
I wished uncle aunty could have also loved me like this!

I took some rest.

At evening
I was feeling better after taking rest, kinjal made me have my medicines during lunch.

I helped aunty in cooking for dinner and now all of us were sitting on the dining table.

"Aa gye Maharaj?" Aunty said to Mr Rajput who just had arrived.

On seeing him I felt shy as I remembered the incidents happened between us in these few hours .

But I had to express my gratitude!
So I had decided to go to his room at night.

After having dinner all of us went to rooms.

After an hour I went on his door.
I again knocked but haven't got any response.
So I pushed the door a little and as it wasn't locked so I went inside.

His room was plain and presentable.
Dim lights, black curtains, a balcony leading to swimming pool, expensive paintings etc.

Yesterday night I couldn't explore his room this clearly due to pain but I felt quite shy too in seeing his bed .

I was looking on his bed when suddenly the door of the bathroom opened and a manly figure with perfectly chiseled abs water dripping over it was standing in front of me in nothing but just a towel wrapped around his waist.

I was looking on his bed when suddenly the door of the bathroom opened and a manly figure with perfectly chiseled abs water dripping over it was standing in front of me in nothing but just a towel wrapped around his waist

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Damn! He was looking like a dream boy which every girl desires and wants to worship!

" Checking out your own husband, Jaan?" He asked which brought me out of my la la land!

Shit he found me checking him out! It's too embarassing!.

" Um.. I - I am s-sorry" I said and lowered my gaze.

He walked towards me and lifted my chin up to face him.

" Well I didn't mind it!
(He winked at me)
But what brings you here?
I mean it's not that I am loving it have you here all to myself!
But I am sure that there must be some reason that can't be ignored which made you to come to me" he said a little flirtatious tone.

It made me too shy that I was looking in every direction but at him.
By the time I knew that I was blushing so hard as my cheeks were burning.

Hello sweethearts!!
How are you all doing?
So sorry for the late update!😅
Hopefully you will like it! 💞

Why do you think that kinjal was behaving strangely?
Did she really noticed that kirti was in pain or something else?

Let me know your views through comments ✨
And don't forget to vote please 🥺🤧.

It's like a token of love which boost me ! 😊😊

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