Not well

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Kirti's pov
It was around 11.

I wasn't feeling so well, after having those street food I feel like I am dying!

Oh this sickness Is killing me.
I hate this feeling, it makes me feel like to cry.

Now for the third time I ran to the bathroom and threw up.
When I came outside I found Mr Rajput looking at me.

He inquired about my health... As if he care! I just said yes and lied down on the bed.

But again after sometime I ran to the toilet this time he comforted me, caressed my back.

I pushed him slightly and told him that I don't need his help and am fine.
I don't want him to feel pity for me.

I again lied on bed including him.
But I wasn't able to sleep, I was feeling more sick now and again ran to the bathroom.

When I returned, he made me sit and hold my hands.
He scolded me for having Pani Puri!  How can I not have Pani Puri?!! Like is he serious? I am mad for it!!

I don't why but his scolding was making me cry which I did too!
He calmed himself made me have medicine and then I slept.

~ the next day ~

I opened my eyes, my head was hurting like crazy.
I changed my direction.
But as I did that I found him staring at me.

" Good morning, biwi Jaan" he said and pecked my forehead.

" G-Good morning" I said, I was feeling too flustered...

I was feeling fine now, but I didn't had any meds yesterday.. so how? And what happened yesterday? Did I slept after throwing up? Ofc I did!

" Where are you lost Jaan??" He asked

I ignored him and got up.
Buthe dragged me on the bed which made me fall on his chest.

" Mr Rajput! Are you mad??" I shouted.

" Yes! I am mad for you!" He said and winked.

I rolled my eyes.

" L-leave me" I said .

" First tell me what were you thinking? Is something wrong??" He asked, why does he wanna know??

" N- Nothing" I said

" Oh god, I liked the kirti yesterday! Atleast she didn't hide anything from me and didn't lied to me! I am already missing her!" He said.

What does he mean?? Did something happened yesterday? Did I did something stupid?!!

" W-What d-do you m_ean?" I asked .

" You don't remember? Come on darling how can you forget about our first kiss?!!! " He said.

" Whatttt??????!!!!!!!!" I screamed.
We kissed yesterday?? No!! No! No! No! I couldn't... This can't happen.

" Uff sweetheart... Don't you worry I will make you remember, wait let me just show you again what we did yesterday!" He said and hovered over me, his face was very close to mine, that if lifted my face little bit then we would be kissing.

He started bending down and I widened my eyes in shock.

I closed my eyes as I thought he would kiss me now but he suddenly started laughing.

" Ha ha ha ahaaa haaa ahahaa!!...
Offo Jaan , aapki shakal toh dekho abhi!! Hahaa ...." He was wholeheartedly laughing... A wide smile was on his face.
He was looking so adorable at this time, I could see him like this for my whole life.
He should do this often! I wondered why he didn't and was so grumpy all the time.
I didn't know why but a smile came on my face too and for sometime I kept looking at him like that.

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