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The next morning..
Vikram's pov,
I was woked due to sunrays falling on my face.
I guess I slept here only.

I found myself covered with a comforter , legs resting on a puffy with bare foot.
When did this happened? I remember sleeping while sitting.
Then my eyes shifted to the coffee cup kept in front of me.

Now I knew who did this! Unknowingly a smile crept accross my face.

Though that coffee had been ruined by now as it was cold now but still I bady wanted to taste it and took a sip... I just couldn't stop myself and drank it all in one go... It just felt amazing.

I went to my room, freshened up took a bath and came down all ready in office attire.

Where was she but? I decided to check the guest room .

I knocked it several times but got no response so decided to enter inside and to my luck the door wasn't locked.

She wasn't even on bed then where was she?

I was searching for her when I heard a click sound of the door opening and saw her coming out of the bathroom in nothing but just a towel.

I forgot to breathe!
What a beauty was standing in front of me.... Water dripping from her wet hair ... Her pinkish lips and cheeks due to rubbing of towel, bare legs, perfectly shaped collarbone
Oh gosh she will be the death of me!

I couldn't resist myself and moved forward until her back collided with the door... And I caged herself with my hand beside the door.
Her face was turned all red and made me happy to know the affect of my presence on her.
I caressed her cheeks with my other hand.

" Mr Rajput.... " She said looking downwards.

"Hmm " while I just hummed and now my hands were roaming over her lips.... I just couldn't control myself.

" Thanks " I said and she finally looked towards me.

" F-For what? " She asked nervously.

" Yesterday night and the coffee was nice too ! " I said while she looked at me shockingly.

" You d-drank it? But the cup was full till the morning!? " She was too shocked.

" Well how can I skip anything made from my wife? If you don't believe me then can taste it yourself! " I said and my lips hovered over hers.
I don't know what has happened to me ? But at that moment I just wanted to be with her, claim her and seal our lips for forever.

" M-Mr Rajput P-Please " she said .

" Please what? " I asked her playfully.

" Let me w-wear my c-clothes" she said trying to get out of my hold and I finally left from there .


Kirti's pov.

I went to his office to check on him and found him sleeping peacefully so I decided to not disturb him , his cup was untouched it felt bad but what can we do ? I went to my room for a bath.

After wrapping myself in a towel I came outside and found him standing there.
Shit! I frozed on my spot and found him coming towards me... I was walking backward and my back collided with the door.

His hand caressed by cheeck and it sent shivers down my spine.

God that touch!

" Mr Rajput..." His name was the only thing I could mutter as I felt his hands on my lips which was making me too hot to think.

While he just hummed and I was lost.
Suddenly he thanked me for the coffee and I was shocked to know that he drank it cold... And I asked him curiously but his reply took me off guard.

"Well how can I skip anything made from my wife? If you don't believe me then can taste it yourself! " He said.

Why are you doing this Mr Rajput?! One moment you decline to accept me and hurt me and the next you want me?
Which wife are you talking about? The one you left alone in danger?

All these thoughts were going on in my head and I was feeling so hurt and decided to stay away from him cause he is never gonna love my the way I do.

I politely asked him to go and he went .

After few hours,
I was in my college, and finally classes were over so I went home.

" Kirti beta you are finally back!! Never go like this again before informing me ok? And always keep your phone charged... You know how much worried did I got? " Seema aunty came to me and started scolding me .

I felt emotional and hugged her...
Still I wasn't used to this feeling of being cared.

" Are beta tu ro kyu rhi hai?? Kya hua? Kisi ne kuch kaha tujhe ? Mujhe bata!! " Seems aunty asked in concern.
( What happened child? Why are you crying? Did something happened? Did somebody said something? Tell me! )

I stopped crying and gave her a smile cause I didn't wanted to worry her.

"No no a-aunty..... I-its just.. t-that I missed ma due to your scolding" I said while a tear betrayed me and falled from my cheek.

" Are beta kardi na galat baat! Main bhi to Teri maa samaan hi hu! Aur kya unhe acha lagega ki unki beti ro rhi hai ? " She said .
(Oh dear I am like your mother only and will she like if her child will be crying like this?)

"Hmm..." I said.

" Chal Aaj tujhe apne haatho se khilaungi" she said lovingly.
(Come today I will feed you with my own hands)

Soon I was being feed by Seema aunty.
I was eating when suddenly something got stuck in my throat and I started coughing so hard ... Currently there were just two of us and Seema aunty was rubbing my back when suddenly someone passed a glass of water to me and I drank it in one go without glancing at the person.

" Beta are you fine?? " Seema aunty asked.

" You should eat carefully!" Somebody shouted which shocked both of us.
When I turned I saw Mr Rajput with concern on his face.
Seema aunty was shocked to see him worrying for a stranger specially a girl.

" I mean you aren't a kid.... Plus ma would have been troubled too! " He again said.

" Shut up ! She will never trouble me... The one who troubles me is you!" She said laughily.

While he just pouted and I giggled a little although I still wondered that was he really caring for me ? Do he too feel something for me?

Hello guys hopefully you liked the chapter.
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The first 5 voters name will be mentioned in my next part 😉
And guys please if possible make a cover for my story 🙏🏻🙏🏻... DM me if someone has any idea.
Thank you 😊

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