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It was a pleasant day in London of United Kingdom and the heat was beginning to bother people since it's the early days of summer. And come on who would like summer if not for the holidays and beaches.

And here she was delivering some materials to Vidhaar who's her best friend since she joined the school when she was four while she should be enjoying her beach day.

Yes Vidhaar is always forgetful and sometimes she would tease him with how he beacame an archeology student with his memory but he would just glare at her making her laugh.

She crossed the road and walked towards the British museum where archeology exhibit was being held and she could see a bit of crowd gathered outside too. She passed the security after she showed the college id and since she's a history student they let her pass.

She looked around for him and stood back as the journalists asked questions to the famous archeologist Dr. Raayala who is also Vidhaar's dad. He was a man of vast knowledge and always helpful with their thesis. Sometimes she would think that it would have been a great honour if he had been a historian and her mentor but it was not possible since he's always digging up something.

"Will you return the coffin to Indians Doctor?" One of the journalists asked.

"Well! It does have markings that belongs to ancient India and we already had meeting with the research team from India. Until we find more about the coffin we'll be doing the research from here since we found the coffin here" Dr. Raayala replied.

"How old do you think the coffin is?" Another journalist questioned.

"From the way it was buried and the soil we found around and on it we think it must be atleast five thousand years old or more".

"Have you found a body yet? Is it male or female?"

"We're eager to find that too! Although we found the greatest discovery of all time which would change everything about travelling and finding other continents, we couldn't open the box. Once we open and run tests we'll be releasing the further reports. Thankyou all" With the doctors clarification the seminar ended.

She looked at the coffin placed in a glass box with different inscriptions some of them she recognised from the books she read while some are from her own culture vedic chants. It's as if they inscribed the coffin to lock something away to never come out.

"What took you long?" She was startled by Vidhaar's question as he took the materials from her and started checking them.

Shivali rolled her eyes "You took long to find me and if you weren't my best friend I wouldn't have cared to bring your stupid materials here".

Shivali rolled her eyes "You took long to find me and if you weren't my best friend I wouldn't have cared to bring your stupid materials here"

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Vidhaar cheekily smiled "Love ya" and walked away towards his father making her shake her head her lips slowly curving into a smile.


She looked around to see everyone was talking or doing some other work of their own making her confused. It felt like someone was whispering right in her ears but she was standing alone.


She was alert now as the whispering was even more close to her Haya...Haya.... She looked at the coffin in the glass box and walked towards it and the whispering seemed even more closer.

She stood before the box looking at the coffin intensely as if she needs to know what's inside it. She raised her arm to touch it when someone's voice bought her out of the trance "You can't touch it Shiva".

Shivali looked to her right to see Dr. Raayala and cleared her throat "I...was intrigued with the carvings on the coffin. You know how we historians are, always curious".

Dr. Raayala nodded "Yes! I do know and we might actually need help from you guys to decode the carvings".

"I'll be available anytime doctor" Shivali smiled and looked back at the coffin seriously "Such an amazing discovery! Thousands of questions and answers to find and yet a little fear of what might be inside".

Dr. Raayala narrowed his eyes looking at Shivali who seemed to be in some kind of wonder and amazement. The ringtone of her mobile bought them both out of their thoughts making her take her mobile out of her pocket and frowned at the caller id "Excuse me for a second" before walking away from him answering the call "I told you not to call me didn't I".

A scared voice of a child came from the other side "Shiva! Granny is in hospital".

"What? Where is Mr. Munson?" Shivali asked.

"He went with her and I'm with Sarah the new maid. She is scary" She heard her whisper.

"I...I'm coming just stay in your room and lock the door. Don't come out until it's an emergency or I call you out" Shivali disconnected the call and turned around to see Vidhaar and Dr. Raayala in a heated conversation. She walked to them making them turn quiet.

Dr. Raayala looked at her "Is everything alright?"

"Mrs. Suryavanshi is in hospital and Ammu is alone with the maid back at the villa" Shivali replied.

"What? What happened to her?" Dr. Raayala asked.

Shivali shook her head "I don't know! I've to go back. I'll tell you once I find out everything".

"I'll come with you" Vidhaar insisted.

"I'll be fine! Just be here it's your big day" Shivali patted his arm and nodded at the doctor before leaving for the villa.

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