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Kal opened his eyes when water was splashed onto him and looked at the blurry figures walking before him. He blinked his eyes to get a clear view and saw blood before him making him shake his head to see the tribal people on the ground with blood.

He was about to move but someone held him back as Veera walked to him "You shouldn't have betrayed us son".

Kal looked around and saw Kinnera dragging Shivali who was still in the unfocused stage because of the drink but her face twisted in pain when she was thrown on the ground.

Shivali coughed and tried to get up which led to her thali hanging down her neck making the Rudhiras widen their eyes and one of the elites bent down and pulled onto Shivali's hair gritting  out in anger "You married this demon whore".

Kal hit his head on his captor's knee before taking the knife and cutting the ropes that bind him and kicked the elite away from Shivali. He pushed him down making him fight back and since Kal was still under the drug affect he couldn't fight back immediately.

The elite punched Kal continuously "I'm going to kill her so slowly and painfully before you so she'd rot for eternity while you regret leaving us".

Kal held his fist and hit his head hard against his nose and started punching back but paused when he heard his cousin "Kal...let him go".

Kal punched the elite until he passed out and turned around to see Kinnera holding Shivali before him with the demon knife to her throat.

" don't have to do this you know she's not going to die" Kal took a few steps towards them.

Kinnera pressed the knife against her throat making Shivali bleed "I found a way brother now you can come back to us".

Kal shook his head "She's not the reason I went away. I didn't want to repeat the same mistake".

"But you already did! Choosing her over us! You did it the first're doing it again" Kinnera accused him.

"She's not Haya" Kal stated.

"But you married her and she's going to doom us all" Kinnera yelled at him.

Kal tried to run to them but he was kicked making him angry and turned around raising his hand to punch but stopped in the last second seeing his father. Veera kicked him again and  pushed him onto his knees holding his head and made him look at Shivali who was looking at him with tears.

"Look at the wanted to save her right.....but she is not capable of it Kal....just like Haya.....and I won't loose my son this time...." Veera nodded at Kinnera.

Kal struggled to get out of Veera's hold but five other rudhiras held him down "Kinnu...please...don't do this....".

"This has to be done brother" Kinnera slowly dragged the dagger on Shivali's throat.

Kal's eyes turned red "No...." with a red energy blasting others away from him while he rushed to Shivali who fell down with her throat bleeding gasping for breath.

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