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A truck drove into the barn with the barn doors shutting behind it. The whole barn was dark and the truck driver got out before heading behind the truck to open the back doors. As the doors opened the lights turned on revealing people wearing demon masks.

The driver too put on the mask as the others walked and helped him get the sarcophagus out of the truck. A unique masked man walked to the sarcophagus as the remaining stood back while he spoke "Finally! We've everything we need! The god's bloodline is known and the demon king is here too".

The unique masked man cut his palm and traced every symbol on the sarcophagus before another masked man bought a plate covered by the cloth making the unique masked man pull away the cloth to see a beating heart which he picked up and started eating it completely.

He then took the unique shaped dagger and stabbed himself in the heart and pulled out the dagger before he bent over the sarcophagus which made him bleed out onto it with him breathing his last every second.

The others held the bleeding man until he bled out and died on the spot making them leave him to others who carried him away and threw him in the furnace just like trash before returning to the barn.

The blood travelled all over the sarcophagus covering every inch and it started bubbling up making everyone confused as the sarcophagus started rattling which made them step back while it burst open creating a huge blast that send every daanava flying off and drop onto the ground.

The blood travelled all over the sarcophagus covering every inch and it started bubbling up making everyone confused as the sarcophagus started rattling which made them step back while it burst open creating a huge blast that send every daanava fl...

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The daanavas groaned and stood up slowly to see a man with wings looking at the sun which was masked by the clouds before the lightning stuck in the sky and it started pouring with the wind picking up the speed as if something unimaginable was going to happen.

The daanavas surrounded him and fell down their knees "Hail the demon king Samael the savior of the daanavas" and bent down with their foreheads touching the ground.

He faced the daanavas "Rise my brothers! There will be no bowing from now on".

The daanavas looked up as a crow flew towards them and landed on Samael's shoulder "Find Haya for me dear friend" making the bird fly away.

"How did this even happen?" Sammy questioned.

"We made sure to disguise the sarcophagus as some goods to India but somehow the daanavas had intel on it" Dr. Raayala replied.

"So how do we find it?" Shivali asked.

"By torturing" Vidhaar pushed two people onto the floor a kid and a man in his thirties "We found them lurking around the Suryavanshi mansion".

"You did good Vidhaar. Take them to the dungeon" Veera ordered.

Shivali narrowed her eyes "What? Are you serious right now? We don't even know if they are daanavas or really want to harm us".

Kal ripped the shirt off the man revealing a serpent tattoo on the spine "Is this proof enough? The Samael's mark".

Shivali looked at Veera "He's just a kid and I'm sure he doesn't even know how to hold a knife".

Veera looked back at her "It doesn't matter if he's a kid or an adult they have to be eliminated that's our purpose".

"Your motto is to eliminate evil not some innocents" Shivali argued.

"Do you really think they didn't do anything? How about the daanavas who attacked your compound he's one of them" Kal held the hair of the man pulling him up.

"Wow! The God's blood is trying to save us what an irony" The man laughed "We don't need your help! And you all listen carefully...my king will set us free from you low lives soon".

The lightning stuck making them look out the window as the sky turned darker like it's night making the man laugh "You are all so screwed our king has woken and he'll come for you for what you have done to him and our kind for eons. He'll avenge us" while the other Rudhiras dragged him away.

"No...please...let go of my dad...." The kid started crying making Shivali look at the elders.

"Don't harm the kid! You've already taken his father let the kid go so he can live his life" Shivali requested.

"He's not an ordinary child your highess. He's born a daanava and will always be one until he dies. He doesn't have a choice except dying and we'll make it easy for him" One of the elders said.

She looked at them like they were crazy "Everybody has a choice and you're making the choice for that innocent kid".

"He's a daanava" Kal reminded her.

"He's a six year old kid whose father you're going to torture. Do you even realise what you are putting him through?" Shivali questioned.

"And do you realise what sought of a monster he becomes after we let him go?" Kal questioned back.

Shivali scoffed "You know what...you all are the real monsters who are so stuck up on killing something evil not realising that you're actually becoming evil".

Kal looked at into her eyes with no emotions "It is your fault that you assumed we're some saints. So unless you are of no help to us get the fucking
hell out of here".

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