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Kal too kicked away stabbing and slashing the daanavas along with Shivali's dad who shot arrows killing them. Shivali didn't understand why her dad was here. Especially now because he never cared what she was going through or how his favourite children were doing but he's here now looking like he's saving her which she didn't believe even for a second.

Suddenly Shivali gasped as a rope went around her throat making her fall down on her knees gasping for breath looking at Kal with tears rolling down her cheeks. Kal looked around for whoever is performing the black magic while her father rushed to her as she was about to fall on the ground head first.

He caught her in his arms looking at her worriedly "Shive....look at me.....hold on this is gonna end".

She tried getting away from him but he held onto her as he looked up to see Kal throwing a dagger which hit one of the daanavas in the throat and he fell down stopping the spell.

Shivali coughed up blood as Kal rushed to her hurriedly while she tried sitting up but her father held her down "You need cleansing. Let me take you to the Rudhiras"and tried lifting her up.

She pushed him away or tried to as Kal went down on his knees on the other side of her while she vomited blood soaking his golden shield shocking the guys.

Kal pushed her hair back as her ears too started bleeding "It's the blood magic".

Shivali felt like her insides are eating themselves and felt dizzy holding onto Kal's shirt "Let's take you to Kinnu" amd lifted her up walking towards the Suryavanshi villa with her father following them.

"What the hell happened to her?" Sammy rushed into the room behind Kal who placed Shivali on the bed.

"It's the blood magic!" Kal wiped away the blood from her mouth yelling  "Kinnera".

Everyone rushed into the room and widened their eyes looking at Shivali's condition as Kinnera took out some herbs from her pouch hanging from her waist and made Shivali smell the herbs in it. For a few seconds nothing happened then suddenly Shivali went into seizures scaring everyone.

"What's going on?" They noticed the person who came with Kal.

"Sh...she's under strong magic" Kinnera stuttered out.

"Then don't just stand there and do something" Shivali's father yelled at her.

"Who the hell are you raising your voice on her?" Kal yelled back.

"Dad" Sammy was looking at his father incredibly.

Everyone looked between Sammy and his father who sat down beside Shivali holding her hand whose seizures subsided as the physician used an injection making her fall back into deep sleep.

"Explain me the situation Kinnera" Veera ordered.

"It's blood magic chief! The one who cast it can only be the one who removes it" Kinnera explained.

"I killed the guy" Kal said.

Kinnera narrowed her eyes "If the guy is dead then it should've stopped long ago".

Sammy frowned "Then why is she not recovering?"

"I think it will only stop with her death" Kinnera mumbled.

Everyone widened their eyes as Ammu screamed "Who are you to decide my sister's death? Try everything to save her" startling everyone.

"It doesn't work that way your highness" Kinnera looked at the little one pitily.

"It hasn't until now! But make it work. Research everything and save her" Sammy ordered walking away in anger holding his father hand dragging him away from his sisters.

Sam pushed him into the study of the Suryavanshi study "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Sammy...I know you are angry but let's talk later. First let's take care of Shive" His father tried to walk back towards the room Shivali is in but was blocked by Sammy.

"There's nothing for you to take care of" Sammy's words made him still "Do you really think Shiva wants see your face after waking up? Trust me she'd rather die than ever want you to care for her. So stay away! We are already distant because of you and don't make us complete strangers now that you've returned" and walked away leaving his father alone.

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