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"What do we do now?" Veera asked.

"I have an idea" Everyone looked at the Suryavanshi's dad.

"Amar I know you want to help but do you really think Shivali would be fine with it?" Dr. Raayala questioned.

Amar narrowed his eyes "I don't care if she want my help I'm her dad so let me do this for her".

"Don't you think it's too late to play the dad card here?" Ammu mumbled.

Although it was low her mumbling made everyone look at her to which she glared at her father who sighed "Yes it is late but let's get to that once we save your sister princess".

"Don't call me that" Ammu stated "What is your idea?"

"We take help of the demon king" His words made everyone object talking to each other starting the blaming game.

"Shut it everyone" Rudra shut everyone "And why do you think he'll help us?"

"Because I care about her" They were startled and turned around to see a beautiful man made by the God himself such beauty was his.

Kal stood straight alerting everyone taking out their weapons as Veera gritted out "Samael".

"Oh you're the chief now huh! That Karikaala stain would never be washed away" Samael was disgusted.

"Will you help her or not?" Amar questioned.

"Why...ofcourse...that is what I'm here for" Samael smiled at them "'ll give me your daughter in return".

"That's never gonna happen you monster" Amar yelled.

Samael laughed "Oh..your daughter and I belong together. We're like darkness and light one can't exist without another".

"Get the hell out of here or I'll send you back from where you escaped and this there will be no return for you Samael" Samael's face turned deadly.

"You know when I first woke up I wanted to come for you but Haya will kill you herself and I'm gonna make sure of it" Samael coldly said.

"Haya is dead and she's no longer gonna be here so get your paws off us now" Kal said more coldly glaring ice daggers at him.

"You took her away from me once. I won't let that happen again" Samael turned to Amar holding a vile of blood "Feed her this! She'll wake up soon and then I'm going to come for her" and threw the vile to Amar before vanishing off of the compound.

Amar walked away before anyone could stop him and made Shivali drink the vile of the blood with everyone rushing just a second later. Veera pushed Amar away taking the vile from him and smelled it making his eyes glow green and threw the bottle away in anger "What have you done? It's demon's blood you idiot".

"I don't care! I want my daughter alive that's it" Amar stated.

"Demon's blood will kill us" Kal reminded him but Amar just looked his daughter.

Shivali fell into seizures making Vidhaar and Kinnera hold her hands while Sammy held her legs in place accusing his dad "Haven't you done enough all these years? Why the hell are you back?"

Suddenly Shivali stopped and gasped opening her eyes which were completely red and shook the others off making them fly away and fall onto the ground with thud before she passed out her veins turning red in color with each passing second.

"What the hell is happening?" Dr. Raayala questioned as the trio got up groaning.

Kinnera walked to the bed and widened her eyes "Sh..she tapped into her true self".

"What? That's not possible...." Rudra trailed off "Unless....".

"Unless she's a demon" Veera gritted out looking at Amar.

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