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"What the fuck?" Ammu gaped at the melted metal.

"Amrutha Suryavanshi! Watch your language" Shivali and Sammy scolded the little girl.

Ammu rolled her eyes "I'm not a kid".

"Yeah! That's why you called me because you were scared" Shivali sarcastically said.

"That's not the point! How can a metal melt without the temperature of 865-1,240 °F?" Ammu questioned.

Sammy shook his head "What are they teaching the six year olds at the school now a days?"

"The nerd is right! No metal can melt this quickly without any temperature" Shivali frowned at the liquid axe on the ground.

They heard the banging startling them "I think they are trying to break the fireplace".

"The police must be here. I've pressed the emergency alarm too" Ammu reminded them.

"Or it is not working! Let's go this way" Shivali turned to her left.

"What if it's the right side passage?" Sammy pointed to his right.

"I'm the older one and I found the secret door too so it's the left passage" Shivali stated.

"I'm the younger one and I'm right most of the time so let's go right" Sammy stated.

Sammy and Shiva folded their arms glaring at each other making Ammu sigh "I'm the youngest and smartest one here so let's go through the middle one" and started walking making the duo rush behind her.

"Why are you being stupid when the elders are discussing Ammu?" Sammy questioned.

"You're not discussing! You guys are challenging each other" Ammu reminded them.

"Where do you think it will take us?" Shivali looked around the wall with markings.

"Hopefully away from the attackers" Sammy wished.

"I don't think they came to steal! It's as if they wanted to kill us" Shivali thought back to the axe.

"We need to go to the police and also arrange security for granny" Sammy agreed.

They saw a door at the end and looked at each other before walking to the door and tried unlocking it "It's not opening".

"There's no candle stand either" Shivali looked around along with her siblings for any clue.

Sammy's gaze fell on the key hole of the door which seemed unusual from the normal key holes "This key hole it's different" and frowned looking at the door with different shapes then his eyes sparked with recognition.

He pulled his shirt sleeve back to his elbow and unclasped his bracelet "Dad's bracelet. He gave it to me when I was a kid" and pressed it from both the ends and then pushed the center making a part of the bracelet fall down.

Ammu picked it up and looked at the door before inserting the key in the hole and twisted it. And a few seconds later they heard a heavy machinery sound before the lock clicked and the door opened "Dad was a genius! He gave each piece of knowledge to both of you".

"But why?" Sammy questioned himself.

"And why would he need a secret door and those masked men why were they after our family?" Shivali too questioned out loud.

"Only one way to find out" The trio looked at the opened door before walking through it to an opening of a huge empty space with hooded figures.

The hooded figures turned around with each of them holding a weapon making the trio take a step back as Shivali whispered "You really want to believe that you're still the smartest of us three?"

"My intuition is never wrong" Ammu whispered back.

"Yeah? Then why is it wrong this time?" Sammy questioned.

"Why are you asking me? If I was wrong then why would dad have a key?" Ammu asked angrily this time loudly making the brother and sister look at her.

"No one is wrong lady Suryavanshi. Not you, neither was your dad" The reply made them look up startled at the depth in the person's voice.

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