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The little girl was playing when she heard the Commotion from downstairs and ran down the stairs excitedly 'Dad! You came....' but stopped when she saw her mom on the floor sleeping.

'Mumma!' She called and ran towards her mother but someone held her arms from behind making her struggle 'Mumma! Mumma! Wake up mumma! Mumma...'

"Mumma...." Shivali jolted up on the bed sweat running down her forehead.

She breathed heavily and looked around to see herself in a new room then wiped her sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand before taking the water bottle to see it  empty. She sighed and decided to get water from the kitchen so she walked out of her room and then went downstairs in search of the kitchen.

She refilled the bottle and drank some water before capping the bottle. Suddenly she heard sounds and got alert looking around to see a small pan and took it hiding beside the refrigerator. She saw the shadow and lifted the pan in air before giving a war cry "Ahhh" and tried hitting the intruder.

The intruder held her wrist and turned her around pinning her arm to her back locking her neck with his other arm as the lights turned on in the villa. Shivali tried to get out of the intruder's hold but he tightened his grip on her as they heard hurried footsteps.

"Do you want me to squeeze you to death which I didn't do before?" The intruder breathed in her ear making her still.

"'m going to kill you myself" She tried stomping on his foot but he moved his leg back  squeezing her throat with his arm.

"Kal?" Veera sighed "Let go of her".

Kal looked at his father in defiance while Shivali tried to elbow him which he held releasing the hold on her throat making her turn around with him still holding her arm.

She glared into the dark obsidian eyes which were assessing her deeply as if she was hiding something

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She glared into the dark obsidian eyes which were assessing her deeply as if she was hiding something. She tried to pull her hand out of his grip and suddenly he let go of her arm as if it zapped him making her fall back on her butt due to force.

"Ahh...." Shivali groaned as Kal walked to the water bottle on the kitchen counter and drank water "That's my bottle you brainless giant".

He gave her a boring look "You're the brainless shorty who gave a war cry before attacking your enemy" and shook his head before walking towards the stairs.

Sammy and Veera helped Shivali up "Are you alright?"

"One day I'm going to murder your son for sure" Shivali gritted out.

"I'm sure he'll come back from death too by talking his way out of hell" Veera confidently stated.

"Well if I kill him he'll be stuck in nothingness" Shivali smiled at him coldly before walking away with her bottle.


" decoded them?" Dr. Raayala asked looking at the coffin Kal stole from the lab.

"I'm trying to! But what I don't understand is why do you want to decode the symbols? I mean he's locked up in hell" Shivali shrugged.

Everyone looked at her weirdly as Kal stared at her "How do you know that he is locked up in hell?"

Shivali rolled her eyes "I saw him genius".

"What do you mean by you saw him?" Veera asked.

"I touched the coffin and I saw falmes and people screaming for help and amidst all of these he was there chained with wings in the flames" Shivali shuddered as she relived the moment.

"You need cleansing!" They heard a female voice making them look at the door to see a woman in her mid twenties who took off her gloves.

"Cleansing? Like aura cleansing?" Ammu asked.

The woman smiled "Yes! I see you know about it".

Ammu nodded "My grandma she does this weird things with pumpkin and sage sometimes. It's kind of relaxing  actually".

"Why does she need a cleansing? She hasn't done any witchcraft and for your information Kinnera she has God's blood running through her veins" Vidhaar reminded her.

"I know! But she has been to hell which is a forbidden place to the living and we don't know what she might have bought back with her" Another woman bought a bag and handed it to Kinnera who opened it and took out sage before lighting it up and looked at Shivali "If you just stand before me....yeah like that".

Kinnera waved sage around Shivali's body from head to toe chanting something. For a few seconds everything was normal but suddenly the sage went up in flames making Kinnera throw it away before it could burn her making everyone shocked.

"What is it?" Veera looked at his niece concerned.

Kinnera looked at Shivali seriously "You're gonna need a soul cleansing".

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