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He pulled her arm making her face him "Couldn't you just keep your fucking mouth shut?"

"I couldn't! So why don't you just thank me?" Shivali pulled her arm back from his hold.

Kal scoffed "Thank you? You think you did a favour?"

She smiled sarcastically "Of course not! I just showed you mercy and saved your ass even after you tried killing me".

"Which I'm regretting now" He gritted out.

She turned serious "One day I'll kill you myself and trust me that day I wouldn't even spare you if the world needs saving from you".

He smirked "Let's see who will kill who" and walked away.

"What the hell is his problem?" Shivali scoffed.

"He has always been like that! That's why he's called a beast for a reason" She heard beside her.

She scoffed "Beast? More like an emotionless human".

"But he's showing emotions aroud you isn't he" Hearing the words shivali looked to her right to see an elder.

"You mean hatred and anger" She corrected him.

The elder smiled gently "Those are emotions too child and you're bringing them out of him for some unknown reason".

Shivali rolled her eyes "I don't understand why you're supporting him when you were supposed to be angry at him".

The elder nodded "Yes! But if my grandson does something then I'm sure he must have had his reasons for sure".

Shivali blinked her eyes "Grandson?"

"Father! I didn't know you'd come" Veera walked to them.

"I had to after what Kal did Veera! I thought you were keeping an eye on him" The elder Rudra looked at his son concerned.

"Do you really think anyone can track Kal's movements? He's your grandson" Veera was proud as well as irritated at the same time.

Rudra smiled "He learnt from the best. And Shivali join us for dinner tonight" before walking away.

"How can Kal be your son and that man's grandson with such temper?" Shivali wondered.

Veera sighed "Thankyou for standing up for Kal. It means a lot to me".

Shivali's gaze cut to him "You should've done it first" before she walked away.

The Rudhiras all looked at her disrespecting the elders and even the chief and they just let her go. They do understand that she's from God's bloodline but that doesn't mean she's a godess herself. But then again they were literally stratled when she screamed back at one of the elders which they didn't expect and it felt like there was something else in her and not just because of God's blood.

Shivali sighed looking at herself in the mirror after her bath. She walked out after wrapping herself in a towel only to be greeted by Kal who was reading a book. He looked up making her narrow her eyes slightly "If you came here to thank me you've crossed the stage where I say it's nothing".

Kal rolled his eyes standing up "Never expect something like thank you and sorry from me".

She pursued her lips walking towards the mirror "Well then get the fuck out" and took the body lotion from the draw and squirted it on her palm before applying it on her hands and neck.

"Remember I'm your bodyguard" He looked at her in the mirror.

She applied sunscreen on her face "So guard the door".

He walked close to her and stood behind her pulling her wet hair back from her neck and shoulder before bending his head down with his lips to her ear "I'm not a dog to guard the door. If you think you can order me around then trust me you don't know me well".

She smiled sweetly facing him and moved her hands around his neck looking into his eyes before holding his hair and bent his head down close to her "You don't know me either! There's so much more to me than I let out. So keep your shitty warnings to yourself and fuck off".

Both of them were glowering at each other that they ignored the door opening and Ammu raised her eyebrows "Are you guys going to kiss?"

"No!" Both of them stated at the same time.

"Okay! Then get ready and be down in ten" Ammu ordered and shut the door before going down the stairs.

"Where are we going?" Shivali pushed him away or more like tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge so she sighed walking to the bed for her dress.

"To get your things back from your flat" He walked out shutting the door behind him.

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