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It was early in the morning and they were waiting for the ship to reach the port. Once the anchor was down Kal held her waist and pulled her closer "Hold onto me tightly" and shot an arrow towards the far away docks building before holding onto the holder and both of them jumped in air sliding towards the building as the ship released the staircase onto the ground for already waiting passengers and Rudhiras who were disguised as workers.

"God! Your people are like stalkers" Shivali huffed tying her hair into a bun following Kal.

"One of the best skills of Rudhiras" Kal climbed into the back of the truck and extended his hand

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"One of the best skills of Rudhiras" Kal climbed into the back of the truck and extended his hand.

"Yeah? Not at all helpful to us because they are everywhere" Shivali held his hand and jumped inside both of them going to the back of the truck into the shadows as the driver shut the doors behind them.

They both sat down leaning onto the truck wall as the Rudhiras gathered near the truck "They have escaped".

"Kal is harder to track! He is an elite" Vidhaar stated.

Shivali looked down at her lap thinking of her best friend who is in search of her so his men can kill her.

"It's useless to feel sad! People change get used to it" Hearing Kal's words she looked at him.

"Are you by any chance trying to console me?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

He turned his head aside looking down at her "You expect too much from me".

Shivali rolled her eyes and leaned her nead on his shoulder hugging his arm closing her eyes "Wake me up when we reach wherever you are taking us".

She slowly fell asleep while he just looked at her for a few seconds before he too sighed and leaned his head back onto the wall closing his eyes.

Kal jerked opening his eyes to see the truck had stopped and slid the glass open to see they had reached a police checkpoint and the driver was getting down from the truck to manage an escape.

One of the officers hit the truck with baton making Shivali sit up startled and looked around. Kal stood up holding her hand and moved to one of the rectangular boxes opening them before getting into it signing her to come along.

She narrowed her eyes "I don't want to sleep in that".

He sighed in frustration and lifted her up making her gasp as he sat down and laid on his back with her on top of him and shut the lid as the truck door opened and the police started their checking.

"I hate you" Shivali whispered.

"Let's argue later and keep quiet for now" He whispered back.

The police opened the boxes on the front row to see different antiques and walked to the second row of the boxes making Shivali shut her eyes tightly fisting Kal's shirt hiding her face.

The box's lid was about to open when the driver yelled at him "Officer! I'm getting late and you are opening every box. Do you know how valuable these antics are? My owner will file a case against me and you if those antiques get damaged".

The police looked at each other before getting down the truck and gave a receipt to the driver who took it and shut the doors before walking to the driver side and started the truck.

Shivali sighed and rested her forehead against his side on the neck. She opened her eyes only to see his adam apple making her follow the movement as it moved up and down while he gulped.

She breathed out unevenly bringing her fingers from his shirt to his adams apple and traced it "Why haven't I noticed it before?"

"Because your hatred blinded you" He replied.

"What about you? Have you noticed anything in me that made you breathless?" She asked.

"Yes! Your weight" His words broke her trance making her raise her head.

She narrowed her eyes "You have so much head weight" and tried to get up but the truck crossed a speed breaker which made her fall on him.

She widened her eyes looking into his eyes as their lips pressed against each other's because of the impact. She gasped moving back only to hit the lid of the box "Ouch" and fell back on him this time kissing the corner of his lips.

"If you are that tempted by my looks you could have just asked" His words made her bite his cheek making him push the lid of the box and held her hair pulling her away from him.

"You are so full of yourself" She gritted out sitting up pushing his hand away and got out taking her place from before leaning her back against the truck with him taking his place by her side.

"We'll go to the airport from here and then to India" Kal said.

"But airport has more security" She reminded him.

"It's really a small airport in the outskirts and we're disguising ourselves. Just play your role well" Kal stated.

She raised her eyebrow and hooked her arm with his leaning her chin on his shoulder blinking her eyes innocently "I will follow whatever you say husband because I'm your sweetheart".

He made a disgusting face and pushed her forehead away making her laugh and rested her head on his shoulder closing her eyes falling back to her nighmarish sleep.

"Umm...why are we in this forest? Are the danavas hidden here?" Shivali asked.

She didn't understand why he brought her here to India but it was so much complicated because of all the security checks in the airport but finally they reached here away from Rudhiras as far as she knows. But one thing she didn't understand what they were doing in the forest until he replied.

"Follow me silently" Kal walked into a clearing where huts greeted them with children running around and elders working.

Seeing them everyone stopped doing their work and a man rushed to somewhere before walking towards them with an old man who must be at least ninety years.

The man joined his palms and fell on his knees with the remaining people "Dora! Meerochesinara.....ennalaindi mimmalni susi".

(Chief! You've finally come to us. It has been so long since we had seen you)

Kal held the old man's shoulders and helped him stand up "Meeru nakante pedda! Ila cheyakandi. Mem konni rojulu evarki dorakkunda undali anduke mee deggarki vacham".

(You're older than me! Please don't do all these.  We've to hide from others that's why we're here)

"Atne dora! Meeru enni rojulaina ikkada undochu. Meeru lenide e gudem ledu" The old man looked at Shivali who was looking at them confused "Dora....tanu...?".

(Okay cheif! You can stay as long as you want. She is....?)

Kal was about to answer him but Shivali hooked her arm in Kal's "Na peru Shivali. Mee dora bharya ni" making Kal look at her with narrowed eyes.

(I'm Shivali! Your chief's wife)

Everyone grinned and the ladies rushed to Shivali before dragging her with them as the old man announced "Iroju manaki rendu pandagalu! Okati ammori jaatara inkoti mana dora tirigi radam adi kuda pendlli seskoni dorsanamma ni tiskuradam" making everyone cheer and drag Kal to the other hut too.

(Today we have two festivals one is mother godess festival and the other is that our chief is married)

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