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Shivali groaned at the beep sound before blinking her eyes open to see white walls making her sit up to see an IV to her right arm. The door to the room opened and Sammy walked in along with two cops "What are you doing here?"

"I got a call from the cops. Remember.... we've the same surname" Sammy replied.

"Are you alright Ms.Suryavansi?" One of the cops asked.

"It's Suryavanshi" Shivali corrected the cop "You can call me Shivali and I'm fine".

"Right! Ms. Shivali Can you run through what happened?" Another cop sat down beside the bed with a note pad.

"Umm...I was called for checking the coffin's symbols because I am a history major and then suddenly the whole laboratory shut down. After that some masked men broke in for the coffin, I and the doctor tried stopping them but they hurt us" Shivali didn't talk about the new masked man "How is the doctor?"

"He's recovering! Did you see anyone's face?" The cop asked.

Shivali shook her head "I just told you they were wearing masks".

"Umm...if you remember anything else just let us know. This is my card thank you for your time" The cops walked out making her sigh leaning back.

"Hey! You okay?" Vidhaar walked in.

"Yeah! Except for my sore neck muscles" Shivali caressed her neck. Although she couldn't look at herself she knew there were fingerprints.

Vidhaar pushed her hand away and gritted out "That emotionless beast. I told him to be careful".

Shivali frowned opening her eyes "I didn't tell you how I got the wound then how did you know who it was?"

Vidhaar winced "It was one of us. We stole the coffin and pushed it on daanavas".

"What? So one of your stupid men tried to kill her?" Sammy questioned.

"He was supposed to make you unconscious without hurting you but he just went over board" Vidhaar was angry too that Shivali was hurt.

"Went over board? That fucker tried to kill me" Shivali literally screamed startling the guys.

"And I apologize for it" They heard Veera who shut the door behind him as he walked towards her "My son...he can be a little aggressive sometimes that's what made him an elite but he shouldn't have hurt you".

"Your son?" Shivali scoffed "Where the hell is he? I would slash his throat this time instead of his shoulder".

Veera and Vidhaar looked at each other before looking at Shivali "Slash his throat instead of shoulder? You...hurt him?"

Shivali squinted her eyes "Of course I hurt him! Just because I'm a girl that doesn't mean I don't know how to fight".

Vidhaar's lips curved into a smirk "You really hurt him? Wow!".

"I don't understand why you are worried about the guy who attacked her instead of worrying about your best friend" Sammy shook his head.

"No! No! I'm worried about her but it's just that she hurt him...she did something none of us could do all these years. Girl you got some balls" Vidhaar laughed.

"I'm going to kick that fucker's balls who attacked me" Shivali huffed

Veera cleared his throat reminding them that he's still there and that they are bad mouthing his son before him "Let's go! The doctor said you can leave".

Shivali sighed as the nurse walked in and took off her IV bandaging her arm before walking out. The four of them went back to a new mansion making her frown "Where are we?"

"As you saw that you guys are not safe we've decided that it'll be for better if you stay here with me" Veera replied.

They all walked inside to see the interiors completely Indian which surprised them but then again they are the secret society of the god's blood what more can they expect from them.

Shivali looked at the frame on the wall with a diya stand on the cabinet making Veera follow her gaze and smiled "That's my wife Girija! She passed away when Kal was five years old in an accident".

Shivali walked to the frame and a small smile grazed on her lips "She is beautiful and I'm sure she's in a happy place".

Shivali walked to the frame and a small smile grazed on her lips "She is beautiful and I'm sure she's in a happy place"

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Veera cleared his throat "Let me show you your rooms".

The siblings followed him to the first floor "I alloted your rooms on the first floor itself" and showed Sammy and Ammu their rooms then turned to Shivali "Your room is on the second floor".

"Why the special opportunity?" She followed Veera to the second floor and to a room on the right corridor.

"The first floor rooms are occupied" Veera smoothly lied.

Shivali cleared her throat "Thank you for having us here!".

Veera smiled lightly "It's my responsibility your highness ".

Shivali corrected him "You can call me Shiva! If you're really this close to the Suryavanshis then I'm sure you already know that I stay away from them".

"And yet you came running when your sister called" Veera reminded her making her think as he bid her good night and walked away.

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