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Kinnera looked at the lady who bought the sage and nodded at her making her walk away "Follow me" and walked towards a painting.

Kinnera pressed her palm on the painting making it move to the side and  walked down the stairs snapping her fingers which made the lanterns on the walls glow

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Kinnera pressed her palm on the painting making it move to the side and  walked down the stairs snapping her fingers which made the lanterns on the walls glow.

"Magic!" Sammy whispered following Kinnera and Shivali with other Rudhiras.

They were led to a small room with a small pool in the middle of the room and mystical carvings on the walls making Shivali scoff "Is it river Ganga? Have you stocked up on holy water in your secret dungeon now?"

They were led to a small room with a small pool in the middle of the room and mystical carvings on the walls making Shivali scoff "Is it river Ganga? Have you stocked up on holy water in your secret dungeon now?"

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"The water is Ganga but the first water"  The physician Murali replied.

"First water?" Sammy was confused.

"When King Bhagiratha did tapasya for Ganga to flow on earth she first landed in a particular place from lord shiva's hair locks

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"When King Bhagiratha did tapasya for Ganga to flow on earth she first landed in a particular place from lord shiva's hair locks. That place contains the first drops of Goddess Ganga and our ancestors took the mud from that place along with the plants that took life because of the touch of holy river Ganga and bought them here and hence this pool is the second most holiest place" The physician explained.

"Don't you think I would contaminate it after all I've been to hell?" Shivali looked at them.

Kal rolled his eyes "Didn't you just hear what the doc said? It's the holiest and sacred pool, even if you do all the sins and jump into it you'll be rid of them".

Shivali glared at him "So you wash your sins away in this?"

"What we do is not sin. We eliminate demons from this world to protect it" Kal corrected her.

"What my cousin meant is we're not allowed to use it for our personal gain" Kinnera sat down on her knees on the side of the pool extending her hand to Shivali "Get down in it".

"Wait! I thought you were cleansing her soul so throw the water on her" Ammu was confused.

"It doesn't work that way, princess" Kinnera nodded at Shivali.

Shivali sighed taking off her shoes and socks before holding Kinnera's hand and got into the pool. The water was neutral neither warm nor cold just in between and she felt calmness taking over her as she laid back with her head above water.

Kinnera flicked her wrist making the candles light up around the pool and left Shivali's hand under the water before placing her palms above the water not touching it and closed her eyes chanting something.

"You feel anything?" Ammu asked curiously.

Shivali sarcastically said "Yeah! My skin is going to chap from wetness".

Suddenly Kinnera looked up with her eyes turning white gasping for breath making them confused as her veins in her neck looked like they were going to pop out anytime.

Vidhaar walked forward "Kinnera! Are you alright?"

Suddenly a force flew out making everyone blast back and fall down which made Shivali try to get out to help them but she was pulled down underwater.

"Shiva!" Sammy stood up and ran towards the pool trying to get her out but he fell back as the fire from the candles around the pool turned into a full blown fire.

Shivali held the walls of the pool trying to get out but the hold around her neck was strong and invisible. She tried to hold her breath but she was slowly losing her will and everything seemed blurry to her.

She saw a light and opened her eyes wide except she wasn't in the water she was in flames making her breath heavily and look around to see everything burning down "Come to me".

She looked in the direction of the voice where the winged figure was on his knees with an extended hand looking at her with tears "Sister! Don't trust them. They'll lock you away too. Run! Run away!".

Whoever tried going to the pool just got burn marks which left black marks on them. Kal walked forward into the fire making Veera widen his eyes "Kal no".

Kal jumped into the pool and tried lifting Shivali up but it's as if someone was holding her down making him go underwater to see nothing there but her neck was stiff making him hold her throat and pull her to him before surfacing the water and lifted her up in princess style and got out of the pool making sure the fire didn't touch her.

She felt someone hold her making her skin tingle and turned around but there was no one as the winged man continuously chanted "Run! Find me! Protect yourself" while she felt the coolest warmth and protection as if she was shielded from every evil including the flames of hell.

Kal sat down on his knees and put her down before pressing her chest and breath into her mouth doing CPR continuously for a few seconds.

Shivali gasped before coughing and throwing up water as Kal rubbed her back before holding her up making her lean onto him.

"Shiva! Are you alright? Look at me" Sammy held her hands.

Shivali looked at her brother "I..I saw Samael...again" trying to breathe in as much air as possible before passing out.

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